Wow, too cool, you all are.
I knew I was in the right place to learn.
Dammit all, there is so much to learn.
Thanks Juan, I was hoping there was something I could do right away
before I find a service manual. Flushing the coolant is a great idea.
I will pull off some of the worse looking hoses and take a look inside
for blockage. A friend and I were looking for the thermostat which
seems like it should be near the outlet of the head but we were unable
to see anything that looked like one.I will go out there to the shop
and look again at that hose which is ballooning when the engine is
running. I have a feeling the thermostat is inside the hose because
there is an odd size reduction on the outlet from the head. I am a
book person, well tech books anyway. So, let me ask you (all) this:
Does anyone have the service manual for the Peugeot 505 diesel?

Next> Dammit again Keith, heehee. You have so much going on with your
website. Sorry, somehow I missed the "Best car in the world" section
completely. Just goes to show; I must be living my life right. First I
found this list and then I switched away from thinking ethanol to
doing biodiesel and a whole new world opens up for me. How in the heck
did I manage to scavenge such a fine diesel vehicle completely
unaware? Thank you for everything, people.

Now I know I can make this little sweetie sing again. Also I joined
the Peugeot yahoo group. I just gotta find the books for this gem.

Again, I am back to
Reading, reading and learning.
Great site Keith.
I am soon to be a real biodiesel man.

Brian Rodgers

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