Mike Weaver wrote:

>viz straight represetative democracy - be careful what you wish for.  If 
>Saudi Arabia had a pure representational system they'd wind up with a 
>far more radical Wahab state.  Look at California's referendum system - 
>it's out of control.  It's created an ungovernable state.  Looks at 
>Arizona's "you pay no school taxes if you're over a certain age" 
>measure.  Great - I got my free education the hell with you.  Just keep 
>paying my social security.
Yes because it was referendum taken at too local a level.  The more you 
shrink the voting pool the more radical and crazy it becomes.  The more 
you broaden it the more even (and slow) it becomes.

>Presumably we elect leaders to make decision in the best interest of the 
>governed.  I don't know that the founders ever expected the voters to be 
>so apathetic and so easily fooled.
A dangerous and foolishly naive presumption it has turned out to be 
don't you think?  Aren't we all dumb for letting the charade go on!


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