>  And are you saying we should pull out now? That, sir, would be the most
> irresponsible thing we could possibly do, bring all our troops home. We'd be
> leaving a mess we created behind, without even trying to clean it up. More
> people would die than are currently dying now, and the eventual government
> to emerge would be whomever could employ the most brutality to silence all
> competition. At least with our troops there we provide some vague semblence
> of security and the glimmer of peaceable government formation.

True, it would be a disaster if we pulled out today.  But we are
building permanent bases there, which gives the impression (true or
not) that we NEVER intend to leave.  That creates problems of its own.

I was reminded of an old book, by Heinlien I think.  One character
states something to the effect that invasion by aliens is not that
bad, as long as no women come, because then it means that they are
colonizing your planet, not merely taking resources.  Outdated sexual
roles aside, this is what we are doing in Iraq by building permanent
bases.  We cannot pull out immediatly, but staying indefinitely is not
a viable option either, and in the debate, those are often presented
as the only options.  IF those were the only options, I would choose
immediate withdrawal, but I hope that someone is smart enough to
choose the middle road instead.


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