Mike Weaver wrote:

>I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
>later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
>can do.
>If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
>would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
>I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 

I'm not clear on whether you want to cut the BD for use in a backpacking 
stove for heating your reactor or in a modified furnace.  There's a big 
differnce.  With the camp stove you have a fairly open system, and one 
where the fuel is supposed to vaporize.  Cutting with something fairly 
volatile will probably thin out the BD and make ignition much easier.  
Gasoline should work, as would mineral spirits, acetone, alcohol, etc.

You really really don't want to mix volatiles into a closed system like 
a boiler or furnace.  It's common when having problems with them for 
some fuel to puddle in the burner; something like gasoline could easily 
result in an explosive condition.

That's my take on it at least.  Check out the altfuelfurnace list at 
yahoo if you want more info, but know that they won't entertain any 
discussion of cutting with volatile liquids there at all.

--- David

>Zeke Yewdall wrote:
>>What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
>>directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
>>furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
>>in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
>>10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor.
>>http://www.espar.com/ something like this may be able to be modified. 
>>Not cheap though.
>>On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


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