Howdy Kirk,

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> We find that there is a lot of concern about mercury and burning coal 
> yet you advocate a mercury source that is much more concentrated as not 
> a demonstrable health problem.

Environmental releases of Hg is not where we started. I agree whole 
heartedly with you.  I have done research on environmental Hg (one of my 
project favorites- My students and I got to go fishing for sunfish, then 
we analyzed the flesh for mercury content- but that is another story)

let's try to keep to our discussion. My response to you was to two 
claims you made:

  " So what do other dentists think that are outside the liability issue 
if American dentists ever admit they have poisoned people for a century"


"In Germany ,for example, you would lose your license to practice 
dentistry if you put "silver" fillings in someones mouth (mercury

all I suggested is that I find no support in the literature for your 
claims- so give me some proof- if dental amalgams are really poisoning 
people for so long, then surely their is some epidemiological evidence.
As to German Law-  any Europeans out there to direct us to relevant 

You need to see what is wrong with your
> search engine Bob. You only seem to find politically correct authorities 
> to quote.

I used as my source the world health organization, in addition to other 
national/ international organizations.

Could you please direct me to better data sources then, but please no 
testimonials. Remember we are talking about data that supports your 
claim that dental amalgam has (Hg) has been poisoning people, not that 
metallic mercury can be converted in the environment to dimethyl mercury 
which is several orders of magnitude more toxic.

> Since as in any trial we can find "experts" to vouch for any position I 
> suggest we use a modicum of logic and ask ourselves if the EPA is full 
> of fertilizer in labeling amalgam as hazardous waste.

different question entirely

  Are you aware that
> the Great lakes mercury control program identifies dental amalgam waste 
> from drains a major source of toxicity in the lakes?
> Since you are a chemist you might like

       vide supra
> Kirk
> */bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     Howdy Kirk, let me suggest we conduct this colloquy on one thing at a
>     time, it makes keeping track of the score easier.
>     Kirk McLoren wrote:
>      >
>      > So lets try for a bit of objectivity here - I think Wilzig is pc and
>      > saying this modality is bunk. So what do other dentists think
>     that are
>      > outside the liability issue if American dentists ever admit they
>     have
>      > poisoned people for a century
>     ok, dental amalgams it is
>     - remember this is enormously larger than
>      > tobacco.
>      > In Germany ,for example, you would lose your license to practice
>      > dentistry if you put "silver" fillings in someones mouth (mercury
>      > amalgam).
>     reference please?
>     here is what I found with a quick google:
>     below is a partial list of scientific and or, governmental
>     organizations
>     that don't share your view of the risks of dental amalgams
>     WHO
>     In March 1997 the World Health Organisation (WHO) evaluated a large
>     amount of conflicting evidence from diverse sources and concluded:
>     “Dental amalgam restorations are considered safe, but components of
>     amalgam and other dental restorative materials may, in rare instances,
>     cause local side effects or allergic reactions. The small amount of
>     mercury released from amalgam restorations, especially during placement
>     and removal, has not been shown to cause any other adverse health
>     effects...
>     European Commission
>     Europe too has carried out a review of the safety of dental amalgam.
>     In1994 a mandate was issued by the European Commission, which requested
>     an in-depth analysis of the available results of research relating to
>     the safety of dental amalgam, including available information relating
>     to adverse incidents.
>     The group that had been set the task of undertaking this investigation
>     met on 9 occasions between 1995 and 1997. Some of their conclusions
>     were:
>     “Currently available data indicate that mercury from dental amalgams
>     will not cause an unacceptable health risk to the general population”.
>     “No systemic dose-dependent toxic effects have been shown to be related
>     to the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings”.
>     “Taking the evidence that our group has reviewed, the benefits of
>     restoring teeth with dental amalgam outweigh significantly the
>     documented risks”.
>     “There is no scientific evidence that the use of dental amalgam is
>     related to adverse effects on pre and post-natal health or fertility” *.
>     The group also pointed out that less information was available on the
>     toxicity of alternative dental filling materials than on dental amalgam.
>     Health Department in Canada
>     In 1996, following 2 years of assessment and consultation with
>     scientists and governments both within Canada and abroad, the Health
>     Department in Canada released its position on dental amalgam, they
>     concluded:
>     “Current evidence does not indicate that dental amalgam is causing
>     illness in the general population”. And that “a ban is not justified,
>     and neither is the removal of sound existing filings”.
>     British Dental Health Foundation
>     In July 2003, the British Dental Health Foundation issued their view
>     (Policy Statement) on dental amalgam, and concluded:
>     “The BDHF does not consider that the use of dental amalgam containing
>     mercury poses a significant health risk”.
>     They concurred with the advice given by the Department of Health with
>     respect to minimising amalgam fillings and removals during pregnancy.
>     Elsewhere
>     Elsewhere, the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden, the New
>     Zealand Ministry of Health and the Malaysian Dental Council (to name
>     but
>     three) have all reached very similar conclusions about the safety of
>     amalgam fillings.
>     In the US we refuse to acknowledge the toxicity even though
>      > fillings removed by a dentist are stored under cold water until a
>      > technician with a hazmat license picks them up.
>      > Cant have it both ways Bob - either amalgam is toxic or it isnt.
>     you are generalizing here, be careful
>     I guess
>      > we should believe the American Dental assn when they say it isnt
>     and of
>      > course Europeans are senseless wogs when it comes to this
>     hysteria - right?
>     a number of the sources I quoted are european, where are you getting
>     this?
>     stuff related to amalgams
>     -- 
>     Bob Allen
>     "Science is what we have learned about how to keep
>     from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman
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Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman

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