Come on, Nigel, it IS a joke. The guy hasn't got a clue, it's got no 
direction, no substance, no plan, he hasn't thought anything out, he 
doesn't know what's going on around him and he doesn't seem to want 
to. There are already many strong and well-established movements 
doing all that and very much more, and they didn't just dream it all 
up yesterday morning. Doug's just trying to reinvent the wheel, and 
getting it all wrong - no hub, no spokes. Maybe he's just after his 
15 minutes. There's no need to "help start conversations", they 
exist, they don't need starting, they need joining and support.

Below are some hubs and spokes of real wheels, and real events 
happening near you soon.



March 18 is an international day of action against the Iraq 
occupation. Protests are already planned across the world, including 
one in Iraq.

WSF Assembly calls for global action

Section on war of the statement of the Assembly of the Social 
Movements, World Social Forum, Venezuala, January 29th

March 18th: International day of mobilisation against the occupation of Iraq

Against the war and occupations. No more wars. Peace is the only solution.

We demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign 
troops from Iraq and an end to the privatisation of energy resources.

We oppose all occupations by foreign troops and demand an end to the 
Israeli occupation of Palestine. We call for the creation of an 
independant Palestinian state.

We oppose intervention in Syria, Iran and Latin American countries, 
for example Plan Colombia and the presence of foreign military bases. 
We also oppose the use of economic blockades as a weapon of war, as 
used for example against Cuba.

We call for the the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of 
mass destruction.

We demand respect for human rights, civil liberties and an end to 
torture, kidnappings and illegal detentions including secret prisons.

We call for participation in the Cairo Conference in Egypt on the 23 
to the 26th March against US hegemony and the occupation of Iraq.

We call to everyone to mobilise on March 18th 2006 for a day of 
global protest against the occupation of Iraq as part of the campaign 
to get the troops out.
Fórum Social Mundial
World Social Forum Official homepage
Stop the War Coalition
Demonstrate on Saturday 18 March
Troops Home from Iraq
Don't Attack Iran
Saturday 18th March 2006
Assemble 12 noon Parliament Square
Reasons to demonstrate...
Download leaflet (pdf 42 KB)
or call 020 7278 6694 to order
Leaflet templates for local groups
International Anti-War Mobilisation: Events
North America - 103 events scheduled for March 18
International Anti-War Mobilisation, March 2006
WWW links to worldwide demonstrations:

Aalborg, Aarhus, Adana, Adelaide (20/3), Albuquerque, Alicante, 
Amsterdam, Ankara, Ann Arbor (19/3), Armidale, Athens, Atlanta, 
Baghdad, Bangkok, Bangor, ME, Barcelona, Basra, Battle Creek (19/3), 
Bemidji, Berkley (20/3), Berlin, Boise (19/3), Bonn, Boston, Bremen, 
Brookline (17/3), Bruxelles (19/3), Budapest, Buffalo, Burlington, 
Calgary, Camden, ME (19/3), Caracas, Carbondale (19/3), Chattanooga, 
Chicago, [2], Chico, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Comox, Copenhagen, 
Covington, Dallas (19/3), Davenport, Denver (19/3), Detroit, Dublin, 
Duisburg, Eau Claire, Edmonton, El Centro, Evergreen, Fayetteville, 
Fort Collins, Frederick (15/3), Fresno, Gainesville (19/3), 
Galveston, Genève, Gijón, Grand Rapids, Göteborg, Halifax, 
Hartford (19/3), Helsinki, Highland Park, Houston, Indianapolis, 
Irvine (19/3), Istanbul, Jakarta, Janesville, Kalamazoo, Kansas 
City (19/3), Karachi, Kent, Ohio (19/3), Kuala Lumpur (19/3), Lake 
Helen (19/3), Lansing (19/3), Las Vegas, Lisboa, Little Rock, 
Ljubljana, London, Long Island, Los Angeles, [2] (20/3), Louisville, 
Madison, Madrid, [2] (19/3), Malmö, Managua, [2], Manila, 
Melbourne (17/3), Melbourne, Florida, Memphis, Midland, Milwaukee, 
Minneapolis, Mobile, Mobile - New Orleans (14/3), Mocksville, 
Montreal, Mountain View (19/3), Naples (19/3), New Bedford, New 
Haven, New York, Northville, [2], Odense, Oklahoma, Omdurman, Orange, 
Ossining, Ottawa, Palo Alto, Pittsburgh, Quebec City, Redding, 
Reykjavik, Riverside (17/3), Roma, Roxbury, Salisbury, MD (19/3), 
Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Juan, San Sebastián-Donostia, Santa 
Barbara (16/3), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santiago de Chile (17/3), São 
Paulo, Sarasota, Seattle, Seoul (19/3), South Portland (19/3), 
Southold (19/3), Stevens Point, Stockholm, Sydney, 
Tallahassee (19/3), Tarragona, Tijuana - San Francisco (12/3), Tokyo, 
Toronto, Trabzon, Tucson, Vancouver, Victoria, Walnut Creek, 
Warsaw (19/3), Washington DC, Wellington, West Bend, Wien (Vienna), 
Wilmington. All demos on 18/3/2006

CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Eliminate nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
National Demonstration:
Troops Home from Iraq, Don't Attack Iran
Saturday 18 March 2006: Assemble 12 noon at Parliament Square. Rally 
in Trafalgar Square. Organised by CND, Stop the War Coalition and the 
Muslim Association of Britain. Volunteers needed urgently: please 
call Ben at CND National Office on 0207 700 2393.
Click here for 'Iran: Consequences of a War', a new report by the 
Oxford Research Group.
Troops Home from Iraq, Don't Attack Iran
Just picture groups of women around the world rallying against the 
war at US embassies and other symbolic places-all on the same day! It 
would be hard for US leaders to ignore. It would be hard for the 
media to ignore. And it would fire us up as women to know that our 
actions were being replicated by our sisters all over the globe. So 
what are we waiting for? Let's make March 8, International Women's 
Day, a time for flexing our collective muscle as women. Let's revive 
the dream of the women who came before us and carved out March 8 as a 
day for us to be a visible, vocal and vibrant force for peace and 
justice! (Click here for history of March 8.) Add your event, or view 
global March 8th actions & events on our online calendar! Click here 
for details.
Women's Call for Peace: An Urgent Appeal
United for Peace
3rd Anniversary of Iraq War
A Call for a Week of Local Action: March 15-22, 2006
United for Peace and Justice joins our partners in the global antiwar 
movement in calling for a massive outpouring of opposition to the war 
in Iraq. We are urging opponents of the war to organize a wide array 
of events in their hometowns for the entire week surrounding this 
Find a 3rd Anniversary event in your area: To see the full list of 
more than 230 3rd Anniversary events, please click here.
United for Peace : Events
More ways to take action and get involved:
United for Peace
Major Mobilization Set for April 29
End the war in Iraq
Bring all our troops home now!
Read More »
Veterans Gulf March : Index
Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans 
Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families 
for Peace, at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130, 
will conduct a march between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from 
March 14-19, 2006 -- the third anniversary of the invasion and 
occupation of Iraq.
ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach:
Let's Make It a Million!
661301 : the number of people who have already votedin the referendum 
to Impeach Bush!(figure updated daily)
The Case Against Bush:
Articles of Impeachment
The legal basis for impeachment
Notes for the Consideration of Impeachment
Six Background Notes
(cc) The Committee to Help Unsell the War
:: Contact Officials. Go »
:: Rally. Find »
:: Poster & Sticker. Grab »
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:: Rejuvenate. Look »
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Everyone Counts
Mass letter writing campaign against war.
On this page:
leading sites to visit
web-based petitions
news, articles and resources for letter-writing content
core sites for this campaign
don't get angry, get active
satire and humour
list of links
press and media email addresses
social alternatives -- Stop the War on Iran Before it Starts!
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Please join the online campaign to STOP THE WAR ON IRAN BEFORE IT STARTS!
Send emails to President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of 
State Rice, U.N. Secretary-General Annan, Congressional leaders and 
the media demanding NO WAR ON IRAN!

>Doug - I didn't mean it to offend - I HIGHLY commend what you're 
>doing - I think it's brilliant. I'm just bringing a potential 
>stumbling block to your awareness.
>I'm wrapped to know there is someone passionate, with a global 
>awareness, inside the US raising this issue. One of the challenges 
>us "non Americans" have is to raise these very issues without being 
>looked upon as complaining. So thank you.
>I also note (and love) the Thomas Jefferson quote you put on one of 
>your other messages.
>“The end of democracy and the defeat of the American revolution will 
>occur when government falls into the hands of the lending 
>insitutions and moneyed incorporations."
>-President Thomas Jefferson (a founder of America in condemnation of 
>cartel power. 1743-1826)
>Doug - I'm right behand the cause, the date still concerns me a 
>little because of the confusion it could causeIf you can find people 
>in the press to publicise what you're up to it'd be brilliant! Maybe 
>some press coverage (if it's not already arranged) would help start 
>some conversations across the country.
>Good luck
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Douglas Smith
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:27 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] This is not a joke.
>On Mar 1, 2006, at 8:36 PM, Nigel Kelly wrote:
>>Let's face it - no-one's going to do anything like this... en masse on April
>>1. I (for one) would expect it to be an April fools joke - I'm not 100%
>>convinced that it's not right now.
>Take my word for it, it's not a joke.
>Snigger if you will, but who is doing anything else?
>This administration and what they have done to the world is not a joke either.
>I'm mad as hell and I'm  not going to take it anymore with or 
>without Mr. Kelly.
>But I ask all others who have had enough to do it. What's to loose? 
>Oh..our country.
>April 1st. Be Counted. It's simple.

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