Hi Gary,
  Peaceful protests are seen by folks on the street. So there is a positive 
effect. The media tends to downgrade the number of
protesters if it mentions them at all. If protests get really big, over 
100,000 people, I can't see
how they can't be covered. If there is police action involved, I doubt 
that'll get covered correctly.
The tendency is to make the protesters the guilty party whether true or not 
& to give the police
sympathy.  The mainstream media is terribly biased in favor of the officials 
in every case. So, a
protest, because of the media's representation, could well backfire.
   We have a bunch of Catch-22's here in the U$A. We could make progress in 
the way of getting
a true representative government if:
  we had a true watchguard media. Except for minor exceptions,
we don't.
   we had real candidates. We do have a few progressives this time around. 
(need election reform)
       see:   http://www.pdamerica.org/
  we had representatives in Congress who valued the common man over 
corporate interests. With
some exceptions, the majority is eager or at least amenable by arm twisting, 
to do corporate bidding.
  we had a fired up electorate which continuously harassed their Congress 
reps. This is growing
and may our only hope. Is it at the point of critical ignition? Maybe. It 
depends on the sensitvity
level of our reps. Do they fear not being re-elected enough to do something 
  we had a reliable voting system. Some states have disavowed use of those 
touchscreen machines
produced by partisan Repug owners. So this is improving. Legislation is in 
Congress to give us a
voting system with reliable audit trail capabilty. Will it be passed in time 
to get the machines
retrofitted in time for the November 2006 elections? I don't know. Since 
Repugs likely will need
machines that could add some needed votes to get them over the top, they'd 
benefit by dragging
their collective feet, something they excell in.
   There is a groundswell of emotion against the Repugs this time around. 
Five states are calling for the
impeachment of our War President. Getting some progressive
liberal Democrats into Congress, enough to give them the Democrats could 
change things in a hurry.
Democrats like Liebermann and Clinton are like clinkers, not good for much. 
But in any regard,
it could be the beginning of the end of corporate controlled Congress.
   You'd have to say that overall, MLK was a positive agent of change. 
Riots/fights are just about unavoidable
when you have two highly polarized groups. The riots showed that MLK was on 
the correct path.
His speeches were works of spiritual art.
He was a pretty brave person, to walk out in front, with highly inflammed 
people at the side of the parade, who
absolutely hated every cell in his body. His assassination was inevitable. 
The U$A is not at peace with
itself. I still hear racial slurs these days. It is sickening. How can 
people let fear and hate fester on for
Peace & progress, D. Mindock

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gary L. Green
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses 
U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

Okay, let's take this in chunks.

Yes, there is peaceful protest but how effective is it really?  It's not. 
It doesn't get much media coverage and gets ignored or forgotten if it is 

People Power in the PI?  Again the threat of violence was there, there were 
isolated incidents if I remember correctly.

Where MLK went there were often riots, big or small.... okay, small riot is 
an oxymoron but you get the idea.  MLK spoke constantly of non-violence but 
there were the agitators in the back that kept things on edge.  Did MLK 
secretly coordinate with them?  Who knows.  All I'm saying here is without 
the iron fist inside the silk glove you won't be taken seriously.

Sorry if it appears I'm stomping on one of your heros but I see very few 
people as saints be they good or bad.  Politics are everywhere no matter 
what your agenda be it for good or bad.  Someone once said that if you were 
not into politics, you will be done in by politics.

On 14 Apr 2006, at 10:20, Keith Addison wrote:

Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what he
wanted or you would have violence on your hands.

The man was not a saint but he was very good at what he did.  That's
why he had to be killed.

And so that proves your point, there's no such thing as peaceful
protest, it's just a sham?

Why not answer the rest of the question Gary? It went like this:

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