On the other hand (the one that knoweth not what doeth the other, so 
I guess either will do)...

Is it PNGV?
Is it the Freedom Car?
No, it's, up, up and away, it's SUPERVISION!

>Karsner: Advanced Energy Initiative is a "Vision for Victory"
>President Bush's Advanced Energy Initiative is a "Vision for 
>Victory," according to Alexander Karsner, DOE's new Assistant 
>Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). 
>Speaking last week before the annual Power-Gen Renewable Energy and 
>Fuels Conference, Assistant Secretary Karsner declared that the 
>energy initiative could lead to victory over U.S. enemies; over U.S. 
>dependence on unstable regimes and ideologies; and over "anxiety and 
>misplaced fears that we are passive and helpless to better this 
>nation and better our planet." Assistant Secretary Karsner 
>emphasized, "Maximizing energy efficiency and renewable energy is 
>the domestic epicenter in the war on terror, and it is imperative 
>that we maximize the partnerships between the public and private 
>sectors in new and creative ways with a sense of seriousness, 
>national purpose, and the urgency the situation merits."
>Noting that this was no time for business as usual, Assistant 
>Secretary Karsner called on "people of goodwill" for their help. "I 
>need your partnership and your support and your leadership to 
>overcome bureaucratic obstacles and to redefine the interaction 
>between the public and private sectors," said Karsner. "I am asking 
>you today to take this message to Capitol Hill and to the far 
>corners of the country; to rise to the President's challenge; to 
>rise above the conventional and insist on making a real difference 
>in the way things are done." See Assistant Secretary Karsner's 
>speech (<http://www.eere.energy.gov/news/pdfs/karsner_speech.pdf>PDF 
>99 KB) and his newly updated 
><http://www.eere.energy.gov/office_eere/>Office of EERE home page.


Waddya mean that's not what you mean? This is no time for business as 
usual, don't you know there's a war on, they went to a lot of trouble 
to arrange it for you.

No-dig for Victory!




>  We desperately need real election campaign reform here, otherwise
> we will continue to end up selecting the corporate endorsed proxy we
>hope will do the least amount of damage.
>    It is a very sad state that we're in here. I wince anytime I see our
>War President on TV. He is the ultimate hypocrite.
>   I don't see how another Bush could have a chance to be elected
>but until we get election reform AND voting machines that aren't hackable
>with paper audit trail, well, the thought is too much to entertain for even
>a nanosecond
>without feeling some discomfort.
>Peace, D. Mindock
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] You were saying?
> > Hakan Falk wrote:
> >
> >
> >> US missed an opportunity in the last election, but Bush cannot stay
> >> after his period, if he does not also try to pull AH's last trick. I
> >> doubt that this can be done in US, nothing is really left other than
> >> the hope that next election will be more kind to the world.
> >
> > Are you kidding?  We could have Jeb, then Neil, then Marvin, and
> > after them, Jenna and Barbara.  We could have a Bush family dynasty
> > for better than 50 years over here!
> >
> >
> >
> > robert luis rabello
> > "The Edge of Justice"
> > Adventure for Your Mind
> > http://www.newadventure.ca
> >
> > Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> > http://www.members.shaw.ca/rabello/

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