I'm a 39 year old, first generation "head banger" and grew up listening to Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Accept, Ozzy, Hendrix, Crue, Zappa, etc. In high school, I had shoulder length hair and spent my time with lots of garage mechanics who liked to make their cars go fast (I went to a trade school).

My taste in music has broadened since high school and I get into everything from Beethoven to bag pipes to Slayer. Most important, I listen to the words (when there are words) and I think Zack is a gifted poet.
I've quoted him once before (alongside Lincoln):
Some of the most powerful lyrics I've ever heard comes from his song "Born of a Broken Man"
His thoughts like a hundred moths
Trapped in a lampshade
Somewhere within
Their wings banging and burning
On through endless night
Forever awake he lies shaking and starving
Praying for someone to turn off the light
I think it's right up there with Joni Mitchell's "The Fiddle and the Drum" and even some of Dylan's stuff.
...motivation for fighting propaganda from that rag, The Economist.

Jason & Katie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
how old are you mike?
not often do i see Rage's lyrics in a conversation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Redler
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] And what does the Economist say about running out of


There is something about that word that makes me uncomfortable. We've been
in the process of "temporary sustainability" [paraphrase] for at least
thirty years. There is nothing temporary about it.

My interpretation of this philosophy is that "temporary" is simply an
extension through which the rich will get richer and the date on which
governments decide to get serious is pushed further into the future.

Temporary means a delay of sustainable fuel development and the
environmental impact of that delay is not something we can afford.

If you want to promote sustainability, incrementally replace diminishing
supplies of oil with ethanol and other agriculturally based fuel while
broadening the search for more sustainable energy technologies. Instead,
those potential funds are being used to drill wells and dig mines.

What better place than here?
What better time than now?


Paul S Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
In addition, if you look at the world coal reserves,
link here: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/coal.html

The top 5 are:
1 US
2 Russia
3 China
4 India
5 Australia

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