Thankyou Gustl

You're right, I didn't think of that. It was a great help at the time.

I didn't think of it because I'm sure these guys are talking about 
the "Please support
Journey to Forever" button on the pages at our website, which takes 
you to a donations page. I wandered into Infopop a while back and 
chucked a cat amongst their pigeons over this fraudulent donations 
stuff after I found out about it and wandered straight out again. I 
think I said their "estimates" were out by a factor of 313 times. 
About par for their course.

We don't expect to make money from donations. The money we do get 
helps and we certainly appreciate it, but it's dribs and drabs and 
doesn't amount to much. It never does on a website like ours, no 
matter how many hits it gets. It's not a 501c or whatever it's called 
registered charity with tax benefits, it's not a religious site 
either, it's just a website.

The main reason we put the "Support" button there was because we kept 
getting enquiries from people and then someone told us outright to do 
it, not only for our sakes but because people want to help and often 
making a donation is the only way they can do so, you have to make it 
possible for them. I'm sure that's true. People making donations are 
pleased to do it, they say so. We're always skint and struggling, but 
in a way it's not so much for their money content that we appreciate 
the donations. We appreciate some of the feedback we get in the same 
way, though it doesn't come with money attached.

>Hallo Keith,
>Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
>request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
>man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.

LOL! Gustl, if you and me and Hakan are all sick old men then who 
needs healthy?

>Happy Happy,

And to you. Thanks again.



>Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
>KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
>KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
>KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
>KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
>KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
>KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
>KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
> >>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
> >>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
> >>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
> >>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
> >>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
> >>>information.
> >>>
> >>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
> >>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
> >>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
>(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
> >>>
> >>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
> >>>
> >>>Squire Tilly KE

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