Hi Fritz and everyone...polls...hmmm...can anyone tell me more about "NewsMax"?  Who owns and controls this website?  Fritz, have you asked anyone at NewsMax how this poll was conducted? What are the demographics of this poll?  I see on their homepage as of today, Sunday, May 7, just after 7pm Central (USA), where they site a poll WITH HEADLINES that says Fox is the most trusted news source in the U.S., but the story says we're talking about 11% of the public making it this "popular."  Hey, if only roughly One in Ten Americans are fatheads, we're not doin' too bad.  I wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of these 11% make up the largest percentage of the "voters" who answered the NewsMax poll, which would make that "77%" actually an incredibly small percentage of the U.S. population.   Sorry you blame the "ordinary" U.S. citizen for however our government acts.  What's the deal in your country?  Is your government walking in lockstep with the will of the overwhelming majority of the "ordinary" citizens?  What is "ordinary" anyway????  I'll leave it at that for now.  Mike
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Poll in favor of Nukes on Iran

indeed dejea vu,
once the propagandamachine works as fine as it does in the US,all out war is'nt far away!
The whole polemic about the communist threat BS, it was and is always the migthy US who uses Nukes to intimidate the rest of the world!
I dispise them for it and can not help to blame the ordinary US Citicen.As a German i felt long time the blame for the wrong doeings of the Nazis even i was born in 48!
eh bien and so on...
Get better Hakan,there is no time to loose
----- Original Message -----
From: Hakan Falk
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Poll in favor of Nukes on Iran


Have a strong feeling of dejavu and this time I will save the info in
a special place. Pre Iraq, I saw similar figures and also some
support on this list. Today it is overwhelming negative numbers in
support for the Iraq war and approval ratings for the president.
Maybe I should frame this, for future use.

Talk about a violent population, 77% in support of military action
and killing Iranians. In two years we will have 65% in denial and
against the US engagement in Iran. It will be an even bigger mess
than Iraq, with attacks all over the world.


At 20:07 07/05/2006, you wrote:
>just received
>Poll: Strong U.S. Support for Bombing Iran
>An Internet poll sponsored by NewsMax.com reveals that Americans are
>overwhelmingly in favor of the United States undertaking military
>action to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program.
>Nearly 60,000 people have taken part in the poll so far, and more
>than nine out of 10 say U.S. efforts to contain Iran's weapons
>program are not working.
>A large majority of respondents also believe that Iran poses a
>greater threat than Saddam Hussein did before the Iraq War.
>NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media and
>share them with radio talk-show hosts across the country.
>Here are the poll questions and results:
>1) Do you believe U.S. efforts to contain Iran's nuclear weapons
>program are working?
>Working: 7 percent
>Not Working: 93 percent
>2) Should the United States rely solely on the U.N. to stop Iran's
>nuclear weapons program?
>Yes: 11 percent
>No: 89 percent
>3) Do you believe Iran poses a greater threat than Saddam Hussein
>did before the Iraq War?
>Yes: 88 percent
>No: 12 percent
>4) Should the U.S. undertake military action against Iran to stop
>their program?
>Yes: 77 percent
>No: 23 percent
>5) Who should undertake military action against Iran first?
>U.S.: 45 percent
>Israel: 35 percent
>Neither: 20 percent

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