>Hi Keith...and List...thank you.  I had read, but forgotten (shame 
>on me), the Credo before I asked to join.  It gave me the confidence 
>to ask to join.  Wonderful to be reminded of, wake up with and read 
>this morning.  Is that sunshine I see peaking through the clouds?!!! 
>Getting ready to Look on the Bright Side of LIFE!!!  Mike DuPree

Hey Mike, you just made my day. Not only it helped but you read it before. :-)

You mean that crazy song actually works?? LOL!

This thread has covered a lot of ground from where it started to 
where it is now. Interesting. Interesting last few posts from you 
too, and nicely put, both sides of the coin, the bright and the dark. 
One side of a coin doesn't buy you much, does it, you have to use the 
whole coin.



>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Keith Addison" 
>To: <<mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:38 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
> > Hi Mike
> >
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: 
><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mark>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mark 
> >>To: 
> >>Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:22 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
> >>
> >>Hi Jesse...thanks for writing. You wrote: This is surely the most
> >>depressing post I've ever seen.  A sign of the times???  You
> >>wrote: Mike!  What sort of response were you thinking you'd get?  I
> >>wasn't thinking, at least about what response I might get.  I felt
> >>frustrated, perhaps mostly by my own illusions.  You wrote: How can
> >>anyone respond to this.  One way is how you have responded. You
> >>wrote:  No dream no agriculture no biodiesel no...  simple
> >>answer.  It depends on the question.  For me in my post the question
> >>deals with how do I personally deal with the madness on the
> >>planet that appears to be becoming more so everyday.  Biodiesel is a
> >>way.  And I'm excited to see it develop.  But I feel overwhelmed by
> >>something much bigger.  I could call it Big Energy, Big Gov't.  Big
> >>whatever.  But I'm afraid it has something more to do with me than
> >>with anything outside of me.  But then it's not just me...it's the
> >>sheer size and weight of humanity on the planet (and growing growing
> >>growing).
> >
> > Plenty of room to spare, no room for dogs in the manger.
> >
> >>So I could do as you said:   Leave!!   But you and I both know
> >>it isn't that simple.  For you it is your reasons.  For me, I'll try
> >>to explain in answer to your question: What are you there for?
> >> Jesse  I've thought about writing to Keith personally and asking
> >>him to remove me from the List since my original intention of
> >>joining the List has changed. 
> >
> > You're welcome to change your intentions. It's not like a contract
> > you're not allowed to break or something. A lot of people like the
> > diversity of the list. There are these message snippets from various
> > members at the website list subscription section, for instance:
> >
> > - "I came to the list strictly interested in getting my biodiesel
> > project off the ground. Following the various postings I have
> > discovered that I see the world as if from the bottom of a well. The
> > view is expanding ever so slightly, ever so slowly. Thanks to all."
> >
> > - "The Biofuel list has awakened me to many ways I can directly help
> > make a difference. The knowledge I have gained from reading the list
> > in a few short months has encouraged me to try again."
> >
> > - "I benefit very much personally from the list, and I have yet to
> > make one drop of biofuel! But the insights that I get from the list
> > are amazing."
> >
> > - "I like the global view. It's good to have your beliefs challenged."
> >
> > - "This list has proven to me how little I know, so many times."
> >
> > The only time I'd remove you is if your intentions changed to those
> > of a dog in the manger and you couldn't be reasoned with.
> >
> > Otherwise, if you want out, you'd have to do it yourself, it's none
> > of my business.
> >
> > I guess this is the background to the way the list runs, have a look,
> > it might hearten you:
> > 
> >
> >>I came here with the intention of learning how to make biodiesel and
> >>having a support group while doing so.  I have since decided for a
> >>multitude of reasons to not go this path.  But the List, as you
> >>know, is about more than just biodiesel.  It is...hmm...well, I
> >>guess that depends on who you are and I am and any one of us is and
> >>especially who Keith lets it be.
> >
> > It has a mind of its own. I'm just the skivvy.
> >
> >>So I haven't written to Keith, because for me, what I have observed
> >>and come to look for in my email, is someone else trying, just like
> >>me, to survive the madness...not to Leave!!...but to Live!!!  Or
> >>maybe I misjudged what I have been reading.
> >
> > I don't think so. I do think there are better options around than
> > just surviving it though.
> >
> >>Consequently, if this List is not the place for me to have expressed
> >>what I have how I have, then it isn't.
> >
> > Some might think it is, some might think it isn't, but if you think
> > it's the place then it is the place, just as long as you're not being
> > a dog in the manger.
> >
> >>     Ah well, the glaciers are fading (check out pics in June,
> >>2006, Men's Journal...staggering...we're fried folks!)
> >
> > Too soon to tell. Definitely not too early to be wide awake and up
> > and doing about it though, among other things. A lot of people think
> > the Biofuel list is the right place for that too.
> >
> >> as the planet heats up, BushCo not only not helpful but profoundly
> >>hurtful, US debt and the decline of the US dollar are poised to
> >>reveal to Americans the slaves all of us really are, even as jobs
> >>are disappearing for many here to many, many more Wall Street will
> >>pay less (actually the same according to some variations of the
> >>SOLVE act if it is passed) and conscript into its Death Machine, etc
> >>etc etc, apparently AD INFINITUM.  So let me tell ya...I'm smilin
> >>babeee...I mean "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel
> >>fine...."  Toto?!! Toto?!! Oh TOTO!!!!  "And I feel fine..."
> >
> > Once again, all together now, women and children first, just follow me:
> >
> > uh-one, uh-two, uh-one, two, three four...
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Always Look On the Bright Side of Life (from Monty Python's Life of Brian)
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Keith
> >
> >
> >>     Mike DuPree
> >>
> >>
> >>From: "M&K DuPree" 
>unflower.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To: 
> >>Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 11:30:57 -0500
> >>To: <<mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
> >>
> >>
> >>Hi D and List...Looking forward to watching What The Bleep Do We
> >>Know?  Checked out the website, synopsis, and trailer.  Wow.  Thanks
> >>D.
> >>    Big Energy, Big Government, Big Religion, Big Bad...why do I
> >>feel so sad?  Just ain't no hope for the little guy...probably never
> >>was.  David vs Goliath just another fairy tale.  "I HAVE A DREAM..."
> >> Sorry pops, just a dream.  The mountain of insolvency just too Big
> >>too overcome.  "Dang me, dang me, guess I'll take a rope and hang
> >>me."  No hope anywhere...oh!...build myself a biodiesel plant...but
> >>wait...my neighbor's doin same.  Last one to the WVO loses!!!
> >> Another dream defiled.  Where's my bicycle...gotta be a problem
> >>there too...frame made in China???  Go buy some food...too stupid,
> >>poor, lazy, or just simply born at the wrong time in the wrong place
> >>to grow my own, to say nothing of the locust invasion last year that
> >>kept me out of the fields and meant me needing to buy from who knows
> >>where on the planet...DANG ME!!!!  What a rotten Reality.  Oh, I
> >>see, not supposed to SEE...just dream..."Imagine"...and take four
> >>bullets in the back.  Lovely.  Good morning, WORLD!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
> >>PEACE!!! Hey, give me back the shirt off my back.  Ah well...takin
> >>my can of worms and goin fishin in that polluted water over
> >>there...and dream...with my gun by my side.  Mike DuPree 
> >>   
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: D. Mindock 
> >>To: <mailto:Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:52 AM
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water
> >>
> >>Mike,
> >>   Just want to add my 2 cents on this subject. If BlackLight, or
> >>anyone else, comes up
> >>with a solid system to create vast amounts of energy from
> >>water/hydrogen, it will be
> >>snatched up by Big Energy and then controlled by them. Not much will
> >>change. Our
> >>monthly energy bills won't go away.
> >> I think we can rely on the gov to allow Big Energy to parcel out
> >>energy to we wee folks and keep their
> >>profits in the 100's of billions of dollars per year. Congress
> >>writes the laws that Big Energy dictates.
> >>It is Big Energy that is gluttonous.
> >>  The masses are bombarded with propaganda and hardly realize how
> >>they're all being manipulated.
> >>I am still waking up from this soup of B.S. we've been immersed in
> >>here in the U$A.
> >>Peace to all, D. Mindock   P.S. I agree that we are all
> >>inter-connected, more than we can imagine.
> >>I saw the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" a couple years ago, and
> >>nothing's been the same
> >>since.
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: M&K DuPree 
> >>To: <mailto:Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:28 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water
> >>
> >>Thanks Bob...it's all new to me, and I'm thankful I have the List to
> >>present my inquiries.  PS You noted earlier and Joe Street agreed,
> >>"In my mind, infinite energy is the worst case scenario I can think
> >>of- energy to spare, energy to drive the gluttonous behavior of
> >>everybody on the planet.  NO THANKS"  LOL...well...yes, I kind of
> >>agree, because I know way too many fatheads who would take advantage
> >>of ulimited energy in just such a manner.  But then I also disagree.
> >> What WOULD unlimited energy mean for the planet and its' peoples???
> >> To me, that question seems to point to a question of human nature,
> >>which your statement indicates you believe is utterly without hope
> >>for a true social consciousness and conscience.  Maybe you disagree,
> >>but I'm just citing your words.  Contrarily, I witness something
> >>very different present.  Please hang with me for a moment while I
> >>try to explain.  "Independence" is an illusion.  Let me say that
> >>again, "Independence" is an illusion.  I recognize "individuality,"
> >>but "independence"...NOT!!!!  Every individual one of us is part of
> >>the same planet and ultimately the ever changing universe.  This is
> >>the truth; this is true.  More specifically, we each breathe the
> >>same air, drink the same water, eat the same dirt, at least as
> >>concerns the source.  But it doesn't look, feel, taste, etc, that
> >>way because we each receive a modification of the source.  Some get
> >>more of the source than others.  Some get better quality of the
> >>source than others.  Enter politics.  Enter religion.  Enter
> >>whatever enters to confound each one's sense of their connection to
> >>the same source and thereby to each other, the planet, LIFE.  So, so
> >>what???  Who cares?  Good question.  So what if we are all
> >>individuals inherently connected to each other?  How does that
> >>change all or even any of us from being "gluttonous" at heart???  I
> >>suppose in one way it doesn't, because LIFE, being so full of
> >>itself, of ONLY itself, must necessarily be "gluttonous."  Don't
> >>tell me there is LIFE opposed to death....NOT.  There appears to be
> >>birth and death (technically, birthing and deathing intertwined as
> >>the same thinging...lol....which is LIFE)....but LIFE remains and
> >>will remain...FOREVER.  It must, otherwise, I couldn't be and you
> >>couldn't be and no one could be.  Some thing does NOT come from no
> >>thing.  In fact, there is NOT any THING; there is only somethinging.
> >> Still with me??? lol  Consequently, I guess in my heart of hearts I
> >>have to agree with Alfred E. Newman, "What? Me worry?"  No, I don't
> >>like getting dicked around or worse, but it happens, as much because
> >>of people having an incredibly narrow perspective on their lives.
> >> So they get "gluttonous."  Not "everybody," however.  Whether or
> >>not they are, however, it seems to me an unlimted source of energy
> >>would have the very opposite reaction...rather than more gluttony, I
> >>believe we would see more feeling of and acting upon concern for
> >>each other, if for no other reason than LIFE would have a better
> >>chance on a more widely accepted level to be viewed more as it is
> >>than as the politicians and priests are able now to construe it as
> >>something limited.  Anyway, I'm sure everything I've written here
> >>can come under the severest attack.  This List is a wonderful place
> >>to help keep a guy honest and precise with his words.  I've tried to
> >>do that, and I'm sure the LIST will help me do that better.  We're
> >>all on a JourneyToForever, and the best any of us can do, it seems
> >>to me, is to be here to help ease the pain of our individuality a
> >>little or a lot.  Each of us must discover that for him or herself.
> >> Mike DuPree

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