Hi Keith;

What about in the case of vermicomposting?  Any advice on putting a 
little cocktail in there?  Will it harm the worms?


Keith Addison wrote:

> It's not toxic to the soil microlife nor to plants.


> It certainly won't harm a compost pile.
> Anyway the methanol should be removed first.
>>and the soap/oil fraction will smother almost everything.
> It depends how much of it you use. "It will need to be mixed 
> thoroughly with other materials so that the air and bacteria can get 
> at it, or it will just make a sticky mass -- mix thoroughly with dry, 
> "brown" materials, use in conjunction with other composting materials 
> as only a part of the overall mix."
> -- Composting
> http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_glycerin.html#compost
> It works.

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