Hi Thomas,
Thanks, I will start putting compost on soon.  Every thing is going well 
except my gourds, they dont seem to like this latitude or something.  My 
jeruselum artichokes are going crazy they are already 4-5 feet tall.  I 
hope we get a late summer as last year they blossomed - a rare thing 
here.  The tubers are exceptional eating.  I went containers with 
Tomatoes and Peppers to save space.  I am just amazed at how responsive 
plants are to real soil.  How are your gardening ventures doing?


Thomas Kelly wrote:

>     My lawn is in the middle of pasture land, so grasses of one type or 
>another grow pretty well. I use sifted compost to bring back areas that have 
>been damaged
>(after a winter of dogs pee-ing on the grass just out the back door).
>     I have two sifters: a large one with 1/2" hardware cloth and a smaller 
>one w. 1/4 " hardware cloth. I sift a large amount of compost w the larger 
>one, let some of it dry a  day or two. Then I sift the dried "siftings" with 
>the smaller screen. This finely sifted compost is great for lawns/potting 
>plants. I use it in trouble areas  - to bring them back. It's much too 
>valuable to me to use on large areas of lawn.
>     How's the garden coming?
>                                                  Tom
>----- Original Message ----- 
>To: "BIO" <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 10:46 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Lawn question off topic
>>Hello folks, any organic lawn experts out there?  I have been
>>encroaching out  75% of my lawn with food plants  for both wildlife and
>>humans, but I still have this 25% and living in town  I  need to  keep
>>it lawn.  the question is how does one raise a great lawn without weed
>>killers etc?  I have been wondering , can you take compost and grind it
>>really fine and spread it on the lawn water it in?  Would this be good?
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