bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howdy Kirk, I scanned the first part of the article and to be honest
found it lacking. The author either doesn't edit or hasn't a clue
about power plant functioning, cooling requirements or capacity.

" These gigantic structures were atomic style cooling towers usually
only seen at nuclear power plants where they guard the reactors as the
Sphinx guards the great Pyramids. What were these conical structures
doing in Foul Rift? I had never heard of nuclear plants in Western New
Jersey. Something was completely out of place!..."

there is no such thing as an "atomic style cooling tower" any heat
engine requires cooling, and coal fired plants use exactly the same
type of cooling tower.
Nukes run at a lower thermal efficiency for safety reasons. Temperature and thus pressure are lower than in oil or coal steam plants. This increases the cooling tower load per killowatt thus nuke plants have larger towers than equivalent hydrocarbon installations. The size is the issue here. Other issues he made were the rails showed no sign of use and thirdly the "oil " storage tanks also showed no maintenance. So he describes a plant with anomolously large cooling towers and no visible fueling infrastructure.
Also in hydrocarbon installations I have seen the tower is different, maybe 3 stories. The tower is to direct cooling air and discharged water vapor such that it doesnt re enter the heat exchangers. The nuclear plants have such large requirements a large structure is required to ensure no mixing.
How about keeping an open mind Bob. You didnt read what he said as near as I can tell.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> In one man's opinion, I think that the Martin's Creek plant may just be
> the tip of the ice berg.

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