Whole 'nother kettle of fish.  I was responding to the notion that OBL 
didn't deserve due process - that the US has
the right to just kill him because we feel like it - which I don't agree 
with.  If GWB had had any sense he'd have kept the goodwill that 
radiated our way after 9/11
captured OBL AS he promised, and brought charges with the consent of the UN.

I'd have to go looking, but I *do* (usual list caveat - don't have the 
citation at hand, so I'm not hanging my argument on it yet) think 
there's a tape of OBL claiming credit for 9/11 - which I think would 

As to the US and the ICC - well, we only want it applied to other countries.

And I think GWB has managed to isolate the US from the entire world.  I 
also can't say the US hasn't broken just about every convention there is.
There's a piece in this week's Washington Post arguing that OBL has 
already won; the US just hasn't realized it yet.

More later - have to go work.

Keith Addison wrote:

>Hi Mike and all
>>>    The Jihad that would have come from 'taking Osama' would have
>>>    rivaled 9/11 several times over.  Real Presidents weigh perceived
>>>    costs versus gains withe information available.*>>Maybe yes, maybe
>>>    no. Clinton had no intention of taking OBL because he wanted him
>>>    prosecuted in the criminal justice system because like other
>>>    Liberals he considered OBL to be a criminal.<<*
>>Which is still what he is.
>What has he been convicted of? What is he charged with? Charges 
>levelled against him do not make him a criminal until/unless he is 
>convicted; until then he is presumed innocent. If such charges are 
>levelled by the US, then it should be noted that the US is guilty of 
>the illegal invasion of a sovereign state and of many other ongoing 
>infringements of the Geneva Convention, and is in fact an 
>international criminal. Can criminal charges brought by a criminal 
>have any credibility? It seems that in the world at large Osama bin 
>Laden has more credibility and commands more respect than does the 
>US, especially "Washington" - very large numbers of people see the US 
>as a criminal but they don't see Bin Laden as a criminal. Those who 
>think this way have a point: they see Bin Laden as a master 
>strategist who makes his all-powerful enemies do whatever he wants 
>them to. Kind of hard to argue against that. AND HE DOESN'T TELL LIES.
>>Where's your point?
>>>    Pretend Presidents declare war on nouns.*>>You forgot
>>>    aspirin/ibuprofen/acetometephine factories & empty buildings.<<*
>>>    On 9/10/06, *Gregg Davidson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>        I'm not upset. I know that Clinton wouldn't take Osama on a
>>>        silver platter 3 times. The atack may have come come on Bush's
>>>        watch, but the inaction came on Clinton's, the first WTC
>>>        bombing, Simalia, the USS Cole. I'm sure there is more than
>>>        that.
>>>        The Dems/Libs would try the same thing if God Himself told
>>>        what happened.
>>>        wrote:
>>>            Gregg,
>>>            I don't mean to get you too upset. But, hypocracy runs
>>>            thick when it comes to this mini-series. I don't doubt
>>>            that Clinton's administration could have done things
>>>            differently but remember, the attack came on BushCo's
>>>            watch and the seeds were planted over several years.
>>>            On Sunday, September 10, 2006 6:28 PM, Gregg Davidson wrote:
>>>>Bush Lied! Bush Lied!! Bush Lied!!! Can't you people come
>>>            up with something better than that?
>>>            Its interesting, they impeached Clinton for a lie. The
>>>            country was outraged at such an atrocity as a lie to the
>>>            nation. Would you suggest a lie about illicit sex is worse
>>>            then a lie that has led to the deaths of the US's service
>>>            men and women? Or a lie about why 3000 people lost their
>>>            lives in 9/11?
>>>>I'm so sorry we pissed off "Uncle" Osama. We'd better not
>>>            make him mad or he'll do some really mean like call the
>>>            ACLU on us.
>>>            Hey, I would love to see Osama captured. But blaming his
>>>            actions on one presidency only serves those who would hide
>>>            from the truth. And my suggestion that Clinton was no more
>>>            at fault then the two presidents previous to him (not even
>>>            including Eisenhower's successful attempt at destabilizing
>>>            Iran) still stands. Thus, to propagate a story that places
>>>            blame for 9/11 at the feet of the Clinton administration
>>>            is not only unfair but down right unpatriotic and
>>>            un-American. Its deplorable to those who suffered loss to
>>>            lie about why and how it happened.
>>>            -dave
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