"Science is based upon an original concept .. and that
concept is a theory .. not fact."

Are you then saying that your computer is a theory? 
At which point do you claim science to fail?  

If a thing (whatever it may be) is testable, then it
will, in time, be discovered & acknowledged in our
process of science.  If a phenomenon is not testable,
then of what relevancy can it be to us?

"There exists something that the simple human mind is
incapable of comprehending and try as we might we will
never be able to comprehend it if we insist that the
human mind, in this vast universe, is the tool we need
to use."

All that matters is that it is testable.  By whatever
way we may perceive something, if it is testable, then
it is relevant & comprehensible.  If we have a
yet-to-be-discovered 6th sense, wouldn't it be of the
mind by definition?

"Herbs have been used for thousands of years.  Many
people over those years have many testamonies of good
results with using herbs.  Is this not good science?"

It's an unreliable & insignificant piece of good
science.  The problem with testimonial evidence is us.
 We are easily deluded by our limited perceptive
capabilities & our desires.  We must make judgments in
face of incomplete, erroneous, & contradictory
information while fighting our own biases.  When we
are able to manage our biases well, whether for their
being weak or by our good discipline, then we usually
do pretty good.  However, the more we allow our
desires to get in the way of the cognitive process,
the more likely it is that we will be duped.  In the
case of testimonial evidence of therapeutic
phenomenon, we have usually poorly managed strong bias
acting upon the perception of subtle effects on a very
complex system of innumerable, unknown, & uncontrolled
inputs.  It is not surprising that such a subjective &
uncontrolled observation can carry little weight in
the scientific process.

--- Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Placebo effect would be a good answer if that was
> what it was .. but I work 
> mostly with companion animals with a few barn yard
> types thrown in .. and 
> only once in a great while I will work with a human
> .. not my favorite 
> species to work with .. far too many false layers.
> The placebo effect doesn't exist with animals and
> infants .. you got to just 
> love that .. I know Reiki works because I've watched
> downed foundered horses 
> stand up after a session.
> I've also used a Telepathic Animal Communicator with
> "tracking" experience 
> to allow a dog to "lead" me to a source of poison
> that presented a danger in 
> the area.  With the dogs "instructions" we were able
> to go directly to the 
> source.
> The list of examples can go on and on ..
> There exists something that the simple human mind is
> incapable of 
> comprehending and try as we might we will never be
> able to comprehend it if 
> we insist that the human mind, in this vast
> universe, is the tool we need to 
> use.
> Science is based upon an original concept .. and
> that concept is a theory .. 
> not fact.
> Mary Lynn
> Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal
> Behavior Modification . 
> Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems .
> Psionic Energy Practitioner 
> . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition .
> Homeopathy . Polarity .
> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> http://members.tripod.com/~MLSchmidt/
> http://allcreatureconnections.org
> >From: "Jason& Katie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
> >Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 18:45:43 -0500
> >
> >testimonies are testimonies, there are no numbers
> and no quantative results
> >to anything the people say. their success or
> failure may be a result of the
> >placebo effect for all anyone knows. science is
> days/months/years of 
> >testing
> >and recordkeeping against a LOT of variables, by a
> LOT of different
> >researchers (i hesitate to say scientists, because
> not all researchers are
> >"scientists")
> >Jason
> >ICQ#:  154998177
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Terry Dyck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 12:56 PM
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
> >
> >
> > > Hi Bob,
> > >
> > > If you do not consider testamonies from
> thousands of people as science
> > > than
> > > what is science?
> > >
> > > Terry Dyck
> > >
> > >>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
> > >>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 09:54:50 -0500
> > >>
> > >>Terry Dyck wrote:
> > >> > Hi Bob,
> > >> >
> > >> > You are streching to find extreme examples
> from very diferent 
> >cultures.
> > >>I
> > >> > never consider animal parts to be a herb. 
> Don't herbs have to be 
> >part
> > >>of
> > >> > the botanical family? It is true that some
> parts of a few plants are
> > >> > poisiness.  The leaves of rhubard for an
> example.  The red stems of
> > >>rhubard,
> > >> > however, are very nutritious.  Herbs are
> basically plant foods and 
> >they
> > >>are
> > >> > very healthy. Herbs have been used for
> thousands of years.  Many 
> >people
> > >>over
> > >> > those years have many testamonies of good
> results with using herbs.  
> >Is
> > >>this
> > >> > not good science?
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>   no it is not.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> > Terry Dyck
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >> From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> >> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >> >> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >> >> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan
> salt
> > >> >> Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 10:26:56 -0500
> > >> >>
> > >> >> Joe Street wrote:
> > >> >>> Hey Bob;
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> Again, follow the money.  Where is the
> funding going to come from 
> >to
> > >> >>> test the efficacy of something anyone can
> grow and pick themselves.
> > >> >>> Drug companies are loathe to spend a dime
> on any testing unless 
> >they
> > >>are
> > >> >>> forced to do so by the regulating bodies.
> They sure as hell aren't
> > >>going
> > >> >>> to waste that dime on something they can't
> control or sell.
> > >> >>
> > >> >> I totally agree, Joe.  But that still
> doesn't answer the question
> > >> >> about the true efficacy of numerous agents. 
>  For instance, there 
> >has
> > >> >> been a  rash of poaching black bears in the
> Ozarks.  The carcases 
> >are
> > >> >> found sans gal bladders.  Why, because many,
> many years of tradition
> > >> >> in some cultures tells them that consuming
> the bear gal bladder 
> >makes
> > >> >> you a more manly man.
> > >> >>
> > >> >> That same argument is used for efficacy of
> tiger's penises and
> > >> >> numerous herbs.  How do you tell what is
> real and what is not?  it 
> >is
> > >> >> a very simple question with no simple
> answers.
> > >> >>
> > >> >>
> > >> >>> Joe
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> bob allen wrote:
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> snip
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>> The
> > >> >>>> problem with herbs is, as I have said
> before, there is little to 
> >no
> > >> >>>> proof of efficacy for the vast majority of
> them. I not saying they
> > >> >>>> don't work, I am just saying that
> scientific evidence for efficacy
> > >> >>>> is
> > >> >>>> lacking.
=== message truncated ===

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