Joe Street wrote:
> Ok Bob, maybe you'll like this:

much better, but a far cry from supporting your claim that major surgery 
is done with only acupuncture as an anesthetic. The abstract describes a 
method of observing electrical activity in the brain due to being poked 
with needles.

"Recently, neuronal correlates of acupuncture stimulation in human brain 
have been investigated by functional neuroimaging. The preliminary 
findings suggest that acupuncture at analgesic points involves the 
pain-related neuromatrix and may have acupoint–brain correlation...

Fifteen healthy volunteers received real EA at analgesic point 
Gallbladder 34 (Yanglinquan), sham EA, and one of either mock EA or 
minimal EA over the left leg in counter-balanced orders. Multisubject 
analysis showed that sham EA and real EA both activated the reported 
distributed pain neuromatrix...

what this says to me is that the placebo worked as well as the 
treatment.  This is a far cry from your claim.

You asked me if I have had general anesthesia, so now its my turn:  have 
you had surgery which utilized acupuncture for anesthesia?  Or do you 
know anybody personally that has?  You made a specific claim and so far 
have provided no evidence other than the hearsay given below.  I am not 
trying to be obtuse here, I am just demanding a high level of evidence, 
consistent with the scientific method.

> I hope that is scientific enough for you on the efficacy issue, but my 
> point was that if surgery can be performed without anaesthetic it's got 
> to be better.
> I am told by Chinese students here ( which there are a lot....none of 
> them are terrorists that I know that lots of surgical 
> procedures are done with accupuncture anaesthesia in China.
> Joe
> bob allen wrote:
>> Howdy Joe, is this your support for the efficacy of acupuncture?  sure 
>> there are side effects from the use of general anesthesia, but that is 
>> not the discussion here.  You made a claim that major operations are 
>> done using only acupuncture as the anesthetic.  I personally doubt it 
>> but am open to discussion if you provide some evidence. Just because you 
>> or someone else says so, doesn't make it so.  here a a site I found,
>> you show me what you have.
>> Joe Street wrote:
>>> Hey Bob;
>>> Ever been under general anaesthesia? 
>> yes, a couple of years ago for repair of a "game keepers thumb"
>>   Remember how you felt when you
>>> came around?
>> groggy
>>   Did you puke?
>> no
>> Like the worst hangover you ever had?
>> not at all
>>    Now
>>> you're gonna argue with me that recovering from a  wound isn't gonna be 
>>> easier without having to deal with being poisoned to the brink of death 
>>> for a few hours on top of the injury?  Come off it man. Do I really have 
>>> to go get references for this? 
>> you made a claim about acupuncture, I have seen very little scientific 
>> evidence of it working and I certainly don't buy the explanation of how 
>> it works.
>> It's a waste of time for something so
>>> obvious.  I saw lots of people looking sick as hell in the recovery room 
>>> last time I was there, but that's anecdotal of course. LOL
>> this has nothing to do with the claim of the efficacy of acupuncture as 
>> a general anesthetic for major surgery.  Do you have a reference or two 
>> to support your claim?
>>> Joe
>>> bob allen wrote:
>>>> Joe Street wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bob;
>>> snip
>>>>> explanation for acupuncture but they do major operations without 
>>>>> anaesthetic and recoveries are better without poisoning the body with 
>>>>> anaesthetic. 
>>>> ok I'll bite, show me the data that supports this claim non-testimonial 
>>>> please.
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