I've found curiosity in many things and have always enjoyed the "wondering" process my mind can take.

Anyone who has ever lived with a pet perhaps has wondered why the animal is always waiting at the door when they have returned home. There have been many varying answers down to and including sight, scent, feelings of physical vibrations relating to how the animal knows.

There was a filmed test done that was televised. This test was repeated many times with many different people and their animals.

Basically, the human was taken away by a "controller" .. This controller made all the decisions as to where they went, how long they stayed out, the route and method of returning home.

This was filmed by a 3rd person with a camcorder.

At the house, a second camcorder had been set up that gave a fairly wide view of the room and the approach to the front door.

What the film showed was the animal sleeping, eating, drinking from it's water bowl .. doing what our animals do when we are not at home.

At the exact moment (side by side timers on the 2 separate camcorders) when the "controller" announced that "now we are going home", the animal would get up and go and sit by the front door.

Now I can imagine that someone could very well be jumping up and down screaming that "that isn't science" .. and if that were to happen, I could only speculate that they would be missing a vital portion of what life has to offer.

Shortly after the massive tsunami left thousands dead and lying on the beaches one of the things that was noted and announced but with very little (if any) follow up was the fact that there were no bodies of the wild animals .. and very few stray animals were found .. nor was there any harm done to those peoples who lived and followed their tribal ways .. these people had started moving inland and to higher ground as much as a week in advanced.

Reliable conclusions have existed through out our existence. That is the reason we survived. Those that reached unreliable conclusions can be counted among the extinct.

I have had the honor of knowing an individual who was given the technical writing job(s) of projects far beyond any technical writing abilities he had.

He was given the jobs with unreasonable time frames and this was done, in my opinion, to discredit him and have him lose his "devoted" following with the clients.

I understood what he was doing when he would have a 2 week time frame to complete a project for final review. If he had 2 weeks he would walk the halls for 1.5 of those weeks and sit down and write fairly straight for 3 days .. one time, no corrections, no revisions .. and it was done and it was done far beyond the clients hopes and/or expectations.

Science has it's place but equally the wonder of the mystics also need to be acknowledged.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Michael Friebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia WasTestimonials as Evidence)
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 13:15:28 -0700 (PDT)

"…but I am also a sceptic of the idea that science is
the be all and end all or that it has all the

So then, what other epistemic method do we have from
which to form reliable conclusions?  It may be that it
is the definition/scope of science that is in question
here.  I claim that there is no epistemic method that
does not rely upon verifiable experience.  I also
claim that the reliability of any conclusion is solely
dependent upon & proportional to the amount of
empirical support garnered.  What method is there that
isn’t empirical?  How can the reliability of a
proposition vary without regard to empirical support?

It is an understatement that science does not have all
the answers, but we have achieved grandly by it and
there is no competition to be found.  In that sense,
it is the end-all, be-all.

“All I am suggesting to Bob is that even though
science cannot explain something at the present time,
that does not mean it must necessarily be rejected."

While it must be rejected as proven true, it does not
need to be rejected outright and be considered false.
Instead, it needs to be viewed as a possibly false &
unreliable proposition that could be dangerous if
relied upon, depending on the evidence available & the
context.  That brings up a critical point: context.  I
would not cross a street without looking regardless of
unproven claims stating the lack of necessity.
However, I only eat organic food despite possessing
little evidence to show it worthwhile.  This is
because although I am relying upon an unproven claim,
I am putting myself (or others) in no further danger
by doing so while possibly lessening my risk, and I
personally find the cost to be inconsequential.


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