Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

> Quite long but interesting.

    Quite long, indeed!

    Here's a quote:

       Dr. Johnson says on page 17, "We agree that it would be
desirable to remove mercury from U.S. licensed vaccines, but we did not
agree that this was a universal recommendation that we would make because
of the issue concerning preservatives for delivering vaccines to other
countries, particularly developing countries, in the absence of hard data
that implied that there was in fact a problem."

    In other words, there isn't any hard evidence of a problem.  Vaccine 
preservatives have been used since the 1930's, so we should be seeing a 
very large impact across the population.  If the follow-up study in the 
Seychelles indicates poor recall among children exposed to environmental 
mercury from fish, we should be noting a corresponding decline in memory 
function among immunized people elsewhere, if in fact, exposure to 
thimerosal in vaccines can be equated with the dietary intake of 
mercury-contaminated fish.  (Can it be?)
    So if the link between thimerosal and developmental defects, ADD and 
other cognitive problems is causal, why do we not see generalized 
evidence of this within the population?  I've been immunized, as have my 
sisters, my wife, her brother and his wife, and all of our children, yet 
none of us exhibits any symptoms of impaired neurodevelopment.

    I don't want to dismiss you, nor do I wish to stop the recent 
discussion.  It seems, however, that we have a camp of people who find 
danger in Western medicine and seem very willing to discard the entire 
corpus of knowledge humanity has developed from the occidental 
perspective.  I think the case in the article is overstated.  For example:

       "In other words, both of these studies tell us nothing about the 
development of these children's brain function except that they reached the
most basic of milestones. To put this another way, your child may be able
to stack blocks, recognize shapes and have basic language skills but later
in life they could be significantly impaired when it came to higher math,
more advanced language skills (comprehension) and ability to compete in a
very competitive intellectual environment, like college or advanced
schooling. Their future would be limited to the more mundane and
intellectually limited jobs."

    That may be true with or without exposure to thimerosal in 
vaccines.  I work with children who have learning disabilities, and it's 
not possible to uncover a singular cause that explains the breadth and 
depth of learning issues in children.  Often, multiple causes synergize, 
ranging from utterly ineffective teaching all the way down the scale to 
serious, organic brain dysfunction.

    I had no trouble and no regret authorizing vaccinations for my 
children.  Neither of them suffer from neurological problems.  They're 
doing well in school, too.  Yet I've talked to clients whose children 
are the same ages as mine, who attribute their children's learning 
difficulties to vaccinations.  When I ask these concerned parents about 
diet, sleep, exercise and water consumption, they're very quick to 
dismiss any link between something as obvious as sleep and their child's 
brain development.

    Sigh . . .

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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