>That it's so prevalent - it's like a Hydra-headed monster

True, too true. But it takes me back to a couple of things Kirk said: 
"most of the population is hypnotized - I am not sure how you would 
deprogram them."

Actually I don't think it's most (30 million?), but they're certainly 
very noisy. Very thoroughly spun, and not just about this. Trouble 
with spun people is that the spin doesn't deal with stuff like facts 
but with emotions, and it's subliminal. The intention is to make you 
want to believe things rather than to argue the case - then it's you 
who does the arguing for "them", much more effective.

But in six years of dealing with all this crap here (and elsewhere) I 
haven't yet seen what you could call an argument. I've even bemoaned 
the fact, almost begged for a good counter-argument rather than what 
we invariably get instead - denial, and anger. Only agreement is 

This, eg:

> >>A very few years ago, there were serious scientific discussions and
> >>popular magazine covers regarding global *cooling* and an "approaching
> >>ice age." Now, the existence of global warming prompts "scientists" to
> >>attempt to drum out of the corps of science those who dare question
> >>the current cant--that "of course" we have global warming and "of
> >>course" we humans are contributing to it.

A Pentagon report of a couple of years ago sees a sudden and 
catastrophic Hamaker-style ice-age triggered by initial global 
warming as a possibility that should be planned for. Try telling him 
that, see what happens. Here you go:
[biofuel] Weathering the Crisis - World Bank, Pentagon: global warming r

>I'm often told by readers of their encounters with Americans who 
>support the outrages of US foreign policy no matter what facts are 
>presented to them, no matter what arguments are made, no matter how 
>much the government's statements are shown to be false. Included 
>amongst their number are those who still believe that Iraq had a 
>direct involvement in the events of September 11, that Saddam 
>Hussein had close ties to al Qaeda, and/or that weapons of mass 
>destruction were indeed found in Iraq after the 2003 invasion.
>      My advice is to forget such people. They would support the 
>outrages even if the government came to their homes, seized their 
>first born, and hauled them away screaming, as long as the 
>government assured them it was essential to fighting terrorism (or 
>communism). My (very) rough guess is that they constitute no more 
>than 15 percent of the population. I suggest that we concentrate on 
>the rest, who are reachable. [more]
The Anti-Empire Report
Some things you need to know before the world ends
March 22, 2006
by William Blum

So how are you (you Americans) to deal with your Hydra-headed 
monster? The rest of us don't like him/them/it, I'm sure you've 



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >>Interesting cross post from gasification.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Oh come on Weaver, we've scotched this brand of BS here so many times
> >before. what's interesting about it???
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>-------- Original Message --------
> >>Subject:    Re: [Strawbale] Global warming
> >>Date:       Sat, 3 Feb 2007 11:14:34 -0600
> >>From:       David Neeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To:         Ron Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>I think it's interesting the amount of religious-like acceptance of
> >>either a belief in human contribution to a supposed global warming, or
> >>a rejection that such a thing is even happening at all.
> >>
> >>A very few years ago, there were serious scientific discussions and
> >>popular magazine covers regarding global *cooling* and an "approaching
> >>ice age." Now, the existence of global warming prompts "scientists" to
> >>attempt to drum out of the corps of science those who dare question
> >>the current cant--that "of course" we have global warming and "of
> >>course" we humans are contributing to it.
> >>
> >>Best as I can tell, evidence on all sides is most definitely mixed.
> >>There is a fairly good argument that cooling and warming trends have
> >>existed since long before humans were around at all.
> >>
> >>Local weather conditions, too, are at best highly unreliable guides.
> >>Some areas are "warming" while others have record snows (as in
> >>Anchorage at the moment).
> >>
> >>Personally, the only thing I am convinced of is that change is
> >>inevitable. I tend to think we've been in the rather balmy period
> >>between ice ages and that sooner or later we are likely to have
> >>another one.
> >>
> >>Interestingly enough, the geological record seems to indicate that
> >>when an ice age comes upon the earth, we go from a climate similar to
> >>ours now to ice covering a good part of the Northern and Southern
> >>hemispheres in about fifty years--less than an eyeblink in geological
> >>terms.
> >>
> >>To assert that "whose who question global warming have a financial or
> >>personal interest in the status quo", though, is the height of
> >>arrogance. I, for one, have no stake either financial or personal in
> >>the issue beyond an obvious interest in trying to determine the truth
> >>and the consequences it may present to me and my family.
> >>
> >>In the Dark Ages, the particular religious cant that could not be
> >>questioned was the prevailing religious tenets that "everyone"
> >>believed. Today, it seems to be global warming and its frequent
> >>pseudo-scientific corollary that this is something that no serious
> >>person can or should question.
> >>
> >>That, friends, is BS. The *first* tenet of science is that every
> >>assertion can and must be questioned over and over again to find areas
> >>in which it may lack in rigor and in which the notion may be refined
> >>to more closely fit the observed facts.
> >>
> >>So--kindly don't try to enforce such claptrap upon me or upon anyone
> >>who attempts to arrive over time at better approximations of the
> >>truth. Trying to relegate us to motives that may be self-serving or
> >>venal only goes so far, mostly upon the equally addle-pated that
> >>ascribe evil motives to any who don't readily agree with whatever your
> >>particular orthodoxy of the moment might be.
> >>
> >>David
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>On 2/3/07, Ron Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Ron
> >>>Those who question global warming have a financial or emotional
> >>>interest in the status quo.

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