Hi Tallex

>Another tidbit on this I saw on the tube last night,
>" the IRS does not recognise the Tennessee Center for Policy Research
>as a legitimate organisation. "

It's the state's Department of Revenue, apparently not on account of 
their rightwing ideology but because of "their complete lack of 

>Looks just like another smear campaign.

Yes. The Tennessee Center for Policy Research is doing well out of it 
though, their website just got its first hits:
Related Info for: tennesseepolicy.org/


CNN Headline News called them "an environmental group", I guess that 
makes for a better story angle but it's probably deeply insulting for 
a free-market group like the Tennessee Center for Policy Research to 
be lumped in with all the hated treehuggers. That makes them no 
better than Al Gore, maybe they'll sue.

Whatever, Drew Johnson's the little blue-eyed boy of the right now, 
he'll never look back. I'll bet he's ecstatic, seeing himself in the 
White House next.

Watch the noise-level go up (Coulter, Limbaugh etc) and the signal go down.

There's a blow-by-blow at Huffington Post:

>You are right, Keith, AEI, CEI and a long list of cohorts are evil, oil soaked
>traitors to the planet,

:-) Not an unfair description.

Think Progress ยป Gore Responds To Drudge's Latest Hysterics

>Vice President Gore's office told ThinkProgress:
>1) Gore's family has taken numerous steps to reduce the carbon 
>footprint of their private residence, including signing up for 100 
>percent green power through Green Power Switch, installing solar 
>panels, and using compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy saving 
>2) Gore has had a consistent position of purchasing carbon offsets 
>to offset the family's carbon footprint - a concept the right-wing 
>fails to understand. Gore's office explains:
>What Mr. Gore has asked is that every family calculate their carbon 
>footprint and try to reduce it as much as possible. Once they have 
>done so, he then advocates that they purchase offsets, as the Gore's 
>do, to bring their footprint down to zero.

Let's wait and see how this plays out. It should be a good measure of 
democracy in action in the USA today. What wins, facts or thuggery?



> >  -------Original Message-------
> >  From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Power Use
> >  Sent: 28 Feb '07 07:26
> >
> >  :-)
> >
> >  Spin sure works well huh? See how easy it is to distract and redirect
> >  attention from what matters to what doesn't. And how nobody thinks to
> >  apply the same thinking to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research,
> >  for instance, or to see how well the epithets they throw at Gore
> >  might apply to them, to those whose pockets they're in, and indeed
> >  generally to the so-called "free" market that they espouse. Where
> >  exactly is the Tennessee Center for Policy Research coming from? From
> >  the American Enterprise Institute, for one.
> >  http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=American_Enterprise_Institute
> >  American Enterprise Institute - SourceWatch
> >
> >  There's a lot about where the AEI is coming from in the list
> >  archives. See how deep you can dig before you hit ExxonMobil and all
> >  the rest of the usual suspects.
> >
> >  What sort of lamps do they have burning in their yard, do you think?
> >
> >  Thought we'd've learnt a little more here by now.
> >
> >  What does this mean, Kirk, it's not very clear: "The message is - It
> >  isnt really that important. If it were I would do it."
> >
> >  What exactly would you do if what were?
> >
> >  Best
> >
> >  Keith
> >
> >
> >  >Weakness?
> >  >gas lamps in the yard are not an indulgance in driving a bit too
> >  >fast or fogetting to turn off the light in the kitchen.
> >  >If you dont see anything wrong with that then I suppose you would
> >  >accept Bush as a spokesman for civil liberty
> >  >and honesty in politics.
> >  >
> >  >Kirk
> >  >
> >  >Terry Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  >
> >  >Hi Kirk,
> >  >
> >  >When a do gooder becomes as famous as Al Gore there are always 
>going to be
> >  >people who will point out weeknesses that he may have. On the 
>other hand I
> >  >am looking at the good that Al Gore has done at educating the 
>public about
> >  >Global Warming. The "Live Earth" concert that Al Gore is doing on July 7,
> >  >2007 on 7 continents will be one of the best things to educate people and
> >  >make them aware of GHG s. Billions of people will watch this 24 hour
> >  >concert all over this planet.
> >  >When it comes to walking the walk, some people have done this 
>and the media
> >  >hasn't really picked up on it. In Canada the national leader of the N.D.P
> >  >federal political party, Jack Layton, bikes to work and has 
>solar power and
> >  >heating in his home and does other green things but this is not known by
> >  >very many people. On the other hand the Prime Minister of 
>Canada gets lots
> >  >of publicity about green issues and doesn't do much in the way 
>of actions.
> >  >
> >  >Terry Dyck
> >  >
> >

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