Hi Dawie...sorry for so long responding, but there are has been too much going 
on in my life to do so sooner with words I'm hoping will explain at least in 
part my position.  Unfortunately, I believe I have not been able to even 
scratch the surface of expounding upon the issues with which you have taken 
issue and also professed.  But I'm trying, and also, if in trying I have 
completely misread your meaning, please forgive me.    
     So, except for the gist of your last paragraph, I couldn't disagree with 
you more.  I believe you are deluded.  "Freedom" and "independence" are 
illusions...delusions...ideas foisted upon us by a minority who want us to 
believe the supposed reality of these words in order to divide us and 
ultimately conquer us, just as they have and do--and will.  "Freedom and 
independence are" NOT "merely what all sane, healthy people strive for."  
Freedom and independence are NOT "what causes children to be impatient to grow 
up, and so they should be."  "The problem is" NOT that "we've forgotten what 
freedom and independence mean."  The utterly fundamental problem is that we've 
forgotten, in fact have never been taught (most of us), what "we" mean.  
     Let me put my hands around your neck, Dawie, and squeeze and the tighter I 
squeeze I want you to tell me all about your "freedom" and your "independence." 
 Keep talking...keep talking...Dawie?  What are you trying to say?  Stop?  Why? 
 Because you can no longer breathe the air we share.  The same goes with water 
and dirt.  The fundamental fact of our being is that we share.  And so each of 
us comes and goes, along with whatever notions each of us might have of 
freedom, independence, separation etc etc--every mental construct ad 
nauseum--but what we share remains.  And when Earth finally disappears, another 
will appear, because what we ultimately share is grander than even Earth. 
     As I read what you have written, I am impressed that what makes you 
uniquely you, Dawie, has been captured and taught to believe "you" are "free" 
and "independent."  And why should you believe otherwise?  You feel this, so 
you believe it.  But what are you really feeling?  You are feeling your nature 
to focus and to see for yourself, to think for yourself, but it is not 
ultimately for yourself that you are intended to see and think--it is for "us," 
the fundamental reality of "us" being Earth and everything we share.  
     Anyway, crank up the old intellectual noodling all you want, Dawie, 
reality will not be changed; only you will be changed, just as you already have 
been changed as indicated by your words.  You will be (have been) changed from 
what you are into someone else's idea for you of what they want you to be, just 
as they have been doing for thousands of years.  "United we stand.  Divided we 
fall."  These are not merely words.  The meaning of these words is the truth.  
     Anyway, I know we can divide this all up into a million bits of ultimately 
nothingness and it will not change a thing, except as it changes each of us.  
"Freedom," "independence," "separateness" all are, as far as I can see from 
observing closely the situation in which I have my being, words which should be 
blindfolded and shot, beheaded, hung from the gallows, obliterated, annihilated 
etc etc.  In their place I would substitute "individuality."  This word makes 
sense to me, as it seems to me to more accurately describe my experience.  The 
others, however, are charalatans, terrorists, blue meanies intending my utter 
     Take care, Dawie.  Mike DuPree  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dawie Coetzee 
  To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 2:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)

  Freedom and independence are merely what all sane, healthy people strive for. 
It is what causes children to be impatient to grow up, and so they should be. 
The problem is that we've forgotten what freedom and independence mean.

  Freedom is not leisure; it is not a perpetual holiday. Conversely it is not 
some Orwellian nightmare of "positive freedom", for there is no freedom that is 
not freedom from duress. Freedom is the practical power to claim authorship of 
one's acts, and the consequent confidence to take responsibility for them. 
Likewise independence is not a state of vacuum that affords impunity, but a 
basis of separate personal realness that is a prerequisite for any relationship 
with others.

  We are misled by a tendency to use metaphors from engineering. A steel ball 
"free to move" on a pane of glass is no real illustration of freedom, because 
the ball is quite incapable of resisting any force that acts on it. It cannot 
refuse, it cannot say "No!", never mind resist effectively: it is therefore the 
opposite of free.

  The problem is not a surfeit of freedom and independence but a lack thereof 
in any meaningful sense. The ability to tolerate exceptional behaviours without 
eroding the basis of its existence is perhaps the measure of a system of 
society. The concentration of too much power in too few hands causes the 
current system to be extremely intolerant of exceptional behaviours, and 
therefore it requires all kinds of intrusive bureaucratic tyranny to keep from 
'disappearing up its own arse', if you'll excuse the expression. What we need 
is not a population that is so abjectly servile as to welcome the bureaucratic 
tyranny (because if you start thinking that way, universal genocide is a more 
efficient option) but an end to the concentrations of power that maintain a 
pretext for the tyranny.


  ----- Original Message ----
  From: M&K DuPree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
  Sent: Sunday, 6 May, 2007 7:58:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)

  Hi Kirk..thanks for sharing.  More and more it appears to me the bottom line 
is we are discovering how "freedom" and "independence" are grand illusions 
which our subscribing to is now showing the truth of.  We are not "free," never 
will be, and there is no "independence."  We are all bound to each other and 
the planet in a grand scheme of interdependence, where what happens to a part 
affects the whole.  So only as we learn to work together, to help grow our 
common ground and strengthen the ties that bind, not only do we have a chance 
of taking ourselves to the next generation and the ones beyond that but of 
learning true happiness and fulfillment in the present.  Good night, and good 
luck.  Mike DuPree
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Kirk McLoren 
    To: biofuel 
    Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:54 AM
    Subject: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)

    "Redaktion Buergerwelle e.V. (BI Omega-CI Omega)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
      Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

      for your information.

      Best regards,
      Klaus Rudolph
      Citizens' Initiative Omega
      Member of the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society)
      Protectorate Union of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection 
      against Electrosmog

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