Two legs bad.
Four legs good.

Keith Addison wrote:

>I can see what you're saying Mike, and I agree, but it has a limited 
>sense. I think you should be more inclusive
>Certainly, as you said, "We are all bound to each other and the 
>planet in a grand scheme of interdependence, where what happens to a 
>part affects the whole." We're all in the same lifeboat. However, 
>right now, we don't have the freedom or the independence to make this 
>interdependence a reality, or at least not in our political and 
>economic behaviour. We've become dependent on the wrong things, we're 
>like drug addicts, and as such we deny the interdependence that is 
>our natural state. We have to free ourselves of these inimical 
>Freedom from oppression, from injustice and exploitation, the 
>independence of communities where such freedoms are upheld, and of 
>the individuals that comprise such communites, these are real enough 
>terms, clear, useful, not evil.
>Where Dawie comes from, and where I also come from, they were 
>extremely real and immediate up until quite recently, and probably 
>still are, if perhaps in a somewhat different way.
>I don't think Dawie needs to provide any documentation, IMHO.
>>"Freedom" and "Independence"...Obfuscation.
>>    Dawie, I suspect we probably do have the same beef with the 
>>same stuff, but I'm not sure we agree on the reasons for the same 
>>stuff, especially if you can't understand why I want to eliminate 
>>"freedom" and "independence" from the vocabulary.  These are sloppy 
>>words, based upon a superficial view of the world. And ultimately 
>>they are used to enslave NOT to "free" or make anyone "independent," 
>>which just can't happen because there IS no "freedom," there IS no 
>>  You say "I must maintain that these terms, and the ideas that 
>>they embody, are much older than the 'minority who want us to 
>>believe the supposed reality of these words' of which you speak. 
>>Both terms have a rich history in the common tongue, and 
>>consequently a wealth of meanings and senses and associations, some 
>>of which quite contradict others. Especially 'freedom' has such an 
>>abundance of honourable associations that it would be unwise to 
>>reject it for the sake of a recent pernicious sense." Documentation 
>>please.  Huge task, I know, but you're the one making this 
>>statement, so I'd like to read your evidence as to such.  I'm going 
>>to suggest that the history of these words will reveal their 
>>appearance alongside the rise of the human "community" and 
>>especially leadership who would use the community to further their 
>>personal ends, no matter how many lives their personal ends might 
>>    I would also like to assuage your "fear that, if 'freedom' is 
>>susceptible to an evil interpretation, how much moreso might an idea 
>>be that is specifically placed counter to freedom?"  Take away 
>>"freedom," reveal the word for the impostor that it is, and there 
>>can be no idea counter to it.
>>    As far as your comments go in the paragraph regarding the 
>>common tongue and buying the meaning etc, no problemo.  Not sure 
>>what this has to do with the elimination of "freedom" and 
>>"independence."  I stated in an earlier response I have no problem 
>>with and in fact accept "individuality."
>>    So, "Man does not live by bread alone," eh?  I much prefer 
>>"Praise Allah, but first tie your camel to a post," a Sufi saying. 
>>And hell yes I would do my level best to stop someone from 
>>strangling folks in the neighborhood (unless the folks they were 
>>strangling were "freedom" and "independence"), but it is NOT my 
>>"freedom" and "independence" I would be risking to stop 
>>would be my "individuality."
>>    References to Schumacher etc, ok.
>>    Next paragraph, about losing left wingers because of some 
>>illogical chain of ideas proceeding from the word "individuality," I 
>>really don't give a damn.  If they go that route with the word, then 
>>they deserve the chains they perceive the "imperialists" lock upon 
>>them.  The live in fear, not in love.  They live in too much concern 
>>for what the Jones's are up to and not in what they should be up to. 
>>When they spend more time keeping the weeds out of their own gardens 
>>and helping their neighbors do same, in other words, maintaining a 
>>healthy environment for the world to grow, there will be no room for 
>>the imperialists.  Comprende?
>>    Finally, no, no need to ask "independence of what."  There IS 
>>NO "independence" to ask "of what."  So I'm not sure what your 
>>"unstated predicate" might be.
>>    These are evil words, Dawie, especially for how they have been 
>>used to turn our attention from reality and enslave humanity to the 
>>extent that we have all the crap being produced that is upsetting 
>>the delicate balance to carry on LIFE, LIFE that is INDIVIDUAL and 
>>INTERDEPENDENT, not "free" and "independent."
>>    Mike DuPree
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Keith Addison" 
>>To: <<>>
>>Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 12:40 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)
>>>>I think this stuff is important, but it is somewhat off-topic. It's
>>>>Keith's call. In any event, Mike, you're most welcome to e-mail me
>>>>off-list any time.
>>>My call? Off-topic? "Freedom fries", "independence from Middle 
>>East oil", LOL!
>>>I also think it's important, relevant to sustainable living. I tend
>>>to think nothing's off-topic except bad behaviour. So let's keep it
>>>>Hey Mike
>>>>I think we've probably got the same beef with the same stuff. I've
>>>>followed your posts about Real ID and other things, and it looks to
>>>>me like we have very much the same stance on many issues. And it's
>>>>important to keep questioning our basic assumptions, so it I
>>>>thoroughly support you also in subjecting the terms "freedom" and
>>>>"independence" to that sort of scrutiny. It's something I do myself
>>>>a lot, as you can see, to the endless irritation of many.
>>>>However, I must maintain that these terms, and the ideas that they
>>>>embody, are much older than the "minority who want us to believe the
>>>>supposed reality of these words" of which you speak. Both terms have
>>>>a rich history in the common tongue, and consequently a wealth of
>>>>meanings and senses and associations, some of which quite contradict
>>>>others. Especially "freedom" has such an abundance of honourable
>>>>associations that it would be unwise to reject it for the sake of
>>>>a recent pernicious sense. Here I speak purely of the usefulness of
>>>>these words as means of communication: I think that, if you were to
>>>>ask people to describe the sense that comes out of many of your
>>>>posts, many would choose the word "freedom".
>>>>I moreover fear that, if "freedom" is susceptible to an evil
>>>>interpretation, how much moreso might an idea be that is
>>>>specifically placed counter to freedom?
>>>>Certainly we're seeing an unprecendented attack on "the common
>>>>tongue": I think it is part of what Keith spoke about last week. If
>>>>it isn't post-modernism as such it at least coincides with
>>>>post-modernism. It used to be that we bought stuff and made our own
>>>>meaning to attach to it. These days we buy the meaning and receive
>>>>the concomitant stuff as a sort of after-sales service.
>>>>I cannot accept the notion that physical survival has a necessary
>>>>precedence over spiritual or social or even intellectual
>>>>considerations. Man, after all, does not live on bread alone. I live
>>>>in a country where the ability of people to place other things (for
>>>>which they used the word "freedom" more often than not) above their
>>>>own survival was almost daily demonstrated not very long ago. There
>>>>is a point where my ability to breathe ceases to be important; I
>>>>would certainly risk that ability in an effort to stop someone going
>>>>about trying to strangle people... !
>>>>There is another sense, though. There is a sort of malaise in the
>>>>world, with people feeling that there is little point in maintaining
>>>>the environment on which they depend, and that the only honest
>>>>response to the world as they find it is like Samson to bring the
>>>>palace down on our heads. People feel like that from time to time,
>>>>but what if an entire generation feels like that? I'd suggest that
>>>>we were in serious trouble, if that were the case. E F Schumacher
>>>>called for methods of production "in keeping with man's need for
>>>>creativity" as a prerequisite for sustainable industry. It's in the
>>>>nature of the sort of being we're dealing with when we're dealing
>>>>with human beings. It's a practical thing.
>>>>If, by "individuality", you mean the pervasive uniqueness of all
>>>>natural things, what Gerard Manley Hopkins called "All things
>>>>counter, original, spare, strange;" then I'm with you all the way.
>>>>But it is something that I associate with a valid and time-honoured
>>>>sense of the word "freedom". Conversely, I think that you will find
>>>>"individuality" a more problematically loaded term: specifically,
>>>>you'll lose all left-wing thinkers outside the USA at the outset to
>>>>an almost automatic chain reaction that goes
>>>>individuality > individualism > classic liberalism > capitalism >
>>>>colonialism > imperialism. You wouldn't get a word in edgeways among
>>>>all the subsequent accusations of rabid Fascist conservatism, which
>>>>would be a pity because, despite this nasty habit of German-idealist
>>>>thinking, left-wing thinkers outside the USA often have valuable
>>>>contributions to make: and I suspect that you might have a valuable
>>>>contribution to make to their ideals.
>>>>Perhaps it's all a lot simpler. Perhaps we should merely ask,
>>>>independence of what? Perhaps it is only in the unstated predicate
>>>>that we differ.
>>>>I think this stuff is important, but it is somewhat off-topic. It's
>>>>Keith's call. In any event, Mike, you're most welcome to e-mail me
>>>>off-list any time.
>>>>Best regards
>>>>----- Original Message ----
>>>>From: M&K DuPree <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Sent: Sunday, 13 May, 2007 5:05:29 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)
>>>>DIV { MARGIN:0px;}
>>>>Hi Dawie...sorry for so long responding, but there are has been too
>>>>much going on in my life to do so sooner with words I'm hoping
>>>>will explain at least in part my position.  Unfortunately, I
>>>>believe I have not been able to even scratch the surface
>>>>of expounding upon the issues with which you have taken issue and
>>>>also professed.  But I'm trying, and also, if in trying I have
>>>>completely misread your meaning, please forgive me.
>>>>    So, except for the gist of your last paragraph, I couldn't
>>>>disagree with you more.  I believe you are deluded.  "Freedom" and
>>>>"independence" are illusions...delusions...ideas foisted upon us by
>>>>a minority who want us to believe the supposed reality of these
>>>>words in order to divide us and ultimately conquer us, just as they
>>>>have and do--and will.  "Freedom and independence are" NOT "merely
>>>>what all sane, healthy people strive for."  Freedom and independence
>>>>are NOT "what causes children to be impatient to grow up, and so
>>>>they should be."  "The problem is" NOT that "we've forgotten what
>>>>freedom and independence mean."  The utterly fundamental problem is
>>>>that we've forgotten, in fact have never been taught (most of
>>>>us), what "we" mean.
>>>>    Let me put my hands around your neck, Dawie, and squeeze and
>>>>the tighter I squeeze I want you to tell me all about your "freedom"
>>>>and your "independence."  Keep talking...keep talking...Dawie?  What
>>>>are you trying to say?  Stop?  Why?  Because you can no longer
>>>>breathe the air we share.  The same goes with water and dirt.  The
>>>>fundamental fact of our being is that we share.  And so each of us
>>>>comes and goes, along with whatever notions each of us might have of
>>>>freedom, independence, separation etc etc--every mental construct ad
>>>>nauseum--but what we share remains.  And when Earth finally
>>>>disappears, another will appear, because what we ultimately share
>>>>is grander than even Earth.
>>>>    As I read what you have written, I am impressed that what makes
>>>>you uniquely you, Dawie, has been captured and taught to believe
>>>>"you" are "free" and "independent."  And why should you believe
>>>>otherwise?  You feel this, so you believe it.  But what are you
>>>>really feeling?  You are feeling your nature to focus and to see for
>>>>yourself, to think for yourself, but it is not ultimately for
>>>>yourself that you are intended to see and think--it is for "us," the
>>>>fundamental reality of "us" being Earth and everything we share.
>>>>    Anyway, crank up the old intellectual noodling all you want,
>>>>Dawie, reality will not be changed; only you will be changed, just
>>>>as you already have been changed as indicated by your words.  You
>>>>will be (have been) changed from what you are into someone else's
>>>>idea for you of what they want you to be, just as they have been
>>>>doing for thousands of years.  "United we stand.  Divided we fall."
>>>>These are not merely words.  The meaning of these words is the truth.
>>>>    Anyway, I know we can divide this all up into a million bits of
>>>>ultimately nothingness and it will not change a thing, except as it
>>>>changes each of us.  "Freedom," "independence," "separateness" all
>>>>are, as far as I can see from observing closely the situation in
>>>>which I have my being, words which should be blindfolded and shot,
>>>>beheaded, hung from the gallows, obliterated, annihilated etc
>>>>etc.  In their place I would substitute "individuality."  This word
>>>>makes sense to me, as it seems to me to more accurately describe my
>>>>experience.  The others, however, are charalatans, terrorists, blue
>>>>meanies intending my utter enslavement.
>>>>    Take care, Dawie.  Mike DuPree
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Dawie>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>.uk>Dawie Coetzee
>>>>Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 2:13 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)
>>>>Freedom and independence are merely what all sane, healthy people
>>>>strive for. It is what causes children to be impatient to grow up,
>>>>and so they should be. The problem is that we've forgotten what
>>>>freedom and independence mean.
>>>>Freedom is not leisure; it is not a perpetual holiday. Conversely it
>>>>is not some Orwellian nightmare of "positive freedom", for there is
>>>>no freedom that is not freedom from duress. Freedom is the practical
>>>>power to claim authorship of one's acts, and the consequent
>>>>confidence to take responsibility for them. Likewise independence is
>>>>not a state of vacuum that affords impunity, but a basis of
>>>>separate personal realness that is a prerequisite for
>>>>any relationship with others.
>>>>We are misled by a tendency to use metaphors from engineering. A
>>>>steel ball "free to move" on a pane of glass is no real illustration
>>>>of freedom, because the ball is quite incapable of resisting any
>>>>force that acts on it. It cannot refuse, it cannot say "No!", never
>>>>mind resist effectively: it is therefore the opposite of free.
>>>>The problem is not a surfeit of freedom and independence but a lack
>>>>thereof in any meaningful sense. The ability to tolerate exceptional
>>>>behaviours without eroding the basis of its existence is perhaps the
>>>>measure of a system of society. The concentration of too much power
>>>>in too few hands causes the current system to be extremely
>>>>intolerant of exceptional behaviours, and therefore it requires all
>>>>kinds of intrusive bureaucratic tyranny to keep from 'disappearing
>>>>up its own arse', if you'll excuse the expression. What we need is
>>>>not a population that is so abjectly servile as to welcome the
>>>>bureaucratic tyranny (because if you start thinking that way,
>>>>universal genocide is a more efficient option) but an end to the
>>>>concentrations of power that maintain a pretext for the tyranny.
>>>>----- Original Message ----
>>>>From: M&K DuPree <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Sent: Sunday, 6 May, 2007 7:58:53 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)
>>>>Hi Kirk..thanks for sharing.  More and more it appears to me the
>>>>bottom line is we are discovering how "freedom" and "independence"
>>>>are grand illusions which our subscribing to is now showing the
>>>>truth of.  We are not "free," never will be, and there is no
>>>>"independence."  We are all bound to each other and the planet in a
>>>>grand scheme of interdependence, where what happens to a part
>>>>affects the whole.  So only as we learn to work together, to help
>>>>grow our common ground and strengthen the ties that bind, not only
>>>>do we have a chance of taking ourselves to the next generation and
>>>>the ones beyond that but of learning true happiness and fulfillment
>>>>in the present.  Good night, and good luck.  Mike DuPree
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Kirk>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Kirk 
>><<>biofuel>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>>Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:54 AM
>>>>Subject: [Biofuel] EMF-Omega-News 5. May 2007 (April articles)
>>>>"Redaktion Buergerwelle e.V. (BI Omega-CI Omega)"
>>>><<<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mailto:star.mail 
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
>>>>for your information.
>>>>Best regards,
>>>>Klaus Rudolph
>>>>Citizens' Initiative Omega
>>>>Member of the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society)
>>>>Protectorate Union of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection
>>>>against Electrosmog
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