Huh? The city warns its people not to drink the water it provides for them? Now I've heard everything. How many people have sued for damages I wonder. That makes about as much sense as the notion of trusting officials we elect to represent our interests. Your explanation makes sense. Inhalation, not skin adsorption. Yes there's a lot of water going by and the heat helps liberate the disolved gas.


Kirk McLoren wrote:

I think in the case of chlorine it is inhaled in the shower.
The amount drunk is small in most peoples case as many people prefer bottled beverages be they juice or soda drinks. I know in Umatilla Oregon just drinking the water is enough to cause fluorosis. CIty water is 6ppm. They encourage pregnant women and children not to drink the water. Kirk

*/Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Hey Kirk;

    It's this last bit that has got my attention;

    Kirk McLoren wrote:


        Lester was shattered. He couldn't understand it. Yet there
        was a reason. Despite taking care to drink only bottled
        water, Lester didn't know that *much more of the
        pollution-laced tap water is absorbed through the skin from
        bathing and washing clothes.
        Poor Lester.

        *Although almost all exposure to waterborne contaminants is
        known to occur via dermal absorption, no studies have ever
        been done to determine the toxicity of pollution scrubber
        liquor  the fluoride used in water fluoridation schemes.

    Now I have heard this several times over the last little while
    with regard to chlorine in tap water.  It doesn't make sense to me
    that my body would adsorb more chlorine (or flourine or any other
    toxin) from water through skin contact than by drinking it.  When
    I drink water the entire amount goes inside and has to be
    processed before any of it comes out again.  The internal linings
    have evolved to be highly adsorbing and I'm guessing that it is
    moreso than the skin.  I'd like to see the proof about this claim.

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