Interesting Doug;

I also remember reading that farming with chemicals and poor soil has a similar effect on insects which eat plants. They eat more to compensate for the poor nutrient levels in the plants.


doug swanson wrote:

A friend the other day was commenting on the size of Americans, (US) and I made a statement that it is a sign of malnutrition, to which he expressed disbelief, until I offered my opinion. People who get very little of the nutrition that the body needs, vitamins, enzymes and trace minerals will find their bodies craving more food in an attempt to acquire these nutrients. Since the American food supply in general is so depleted of true nutrition, people here eat and eat, trying to get their daily needs, and, never getting them, will instead consume the calories that make the body large, but never quite healthy. In these reports that Kirk posted, it seems that wealthier countries feed their population with food in boxes and bottles, pretty packaging, but very little nutrition. The foods consumed in poorer households appear to have a closer route back to the soil they were grown in, hence a higher level in nutrients.

doug swanson

Kirk McLoren wrote:

   There are two different really good links for this with different
   info at
   each site:,29307,1626519,00.html

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