Hi Dawie

>Hi Keith
> >That's not much help is it?
>No, but I'm inclined to agree with what you say. What's the point of 
>a choice between a handful of neo-capitalist clone candidates, all 
>keen to perpetuate the mechanism that has brought them to the 
>situation of being a candidate. 

And when people stay away in droves because they don't want to vote 
for either of the business parties they're labelled "apathetic".

I believe I've said this before, but wouldn't it help a lot if you 
could vote against candidates instead of only for them? What honest 
politician could possibly object to that? LOL!

>You've got my sympathy, for what that's worth.

Thankyou Dawie, but I don't deserve it, I might be a homeless 
non-voter but actually I'm a happy global villager. So are you, I 
suspect. :-)

This might shed some light on the matter, closely associated:

"Why They Whine: How Corporations Prey On Our Children" -- by Gary 
Ruskin, director of Commercial Alert (www.essential.org/alert)

9/14/00 -- Articles from the Associated Press, NY Times, and Contra 
Costa Times on new GAO Report "Commercial Activities in Public 



>----- Original Message ----
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Sent: Friday, 22 June, 2007 8:31:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 'What the World Eats'!
>Hi Dawie
> >Whoa, Keith, don't get me wrong! My profuse apologies for being
> >perversely oblique and gratuitously facetious and the rest of it.
>Okay, sorry.
> >I freely admit that I know next to nothing about this, but I was
> >reminded of how I felt as a child, being told that my grievances of
> >the moment were determined not by their merits but by my tired state.
>Um, yes. Next comes "because I say so".
> >I did not intend to make any factual statement about ADD and
> >hyperactive kids: I am not equipped to do so. I was referring solely
> >to my own childhood memories.
> >
> >I did, however, note a factor that I believe to be valid, namely
> >that there is a potential for political abuse. I raise it as a
> >question, as something worth pondering. To take an extreme
> >case, should we deny people the vote on the basis of their diet?
> >
> >There are indeed many sides to the question, as you rightly pointed
> >out. Heaven forbid that I deny its complexity.
> >
> >What say you?
>Hm. Sorry, I get your point but I might not be the best person to
>ask, I'm a bit sceptical of votes anyway, as is, I haven't seen many
>examples of it working very well. (South Africa was a country of 25
>million non-voters when I left 30 years ago - that's what the blacks
>called themselves, non-voters.) Anyway, who do we currently deny the
>vote to? People with a criminal record? Do all the guys in the US who
>get jailed for smoking a joint lose the vote? Corporate criminals do
>much more harm but they're seldom prosecuted, and who needs votes
>anyway when politicians are such a buyers' market? Does insanity lose
>you the vote? If it can be demonstrated that a person's particular
>diet renders them irrational should they be allowed to vote? That
>same diet might not have the same effect on another person though, so
>you couldn't make a rule of it. Japan's national diet is healthier
>than most, but in Japan (and a lot of other places) voting is still a
>racial issue. I'm a non-voter here (but I'd be one by choice anyway -
>the political spectrum of the elected politicians bears almost no
>resemblance to the political spectrum of the society). Some gaijin
>have managed to get citizenship but I don't think they've really
>changed anything. In Switzerland at least one canton still doesn't
>give women the vote. What a mess. And I didn't even mention Diebold.
>What if we consider global villages instead?
>That's not much help is it?
> >-Dawie
> >
> >----- Original Message ----
> >From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >Sent: Friday, 22 June, 2007 9:39:42 AM
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 'What the World Eats'!
> >
> >Hello Dawie
> >
> > >I'll neither assert nor deny it for the moment.
> >
> >Indeed you're not in any position to do either of those things, not
> >having read the references provided, nor apparently any other
> >references either. Which doesn't seem to stop you doing it anyway.
> >
> > >It is, after all, moreover well known that children become
> > >obstreperous when they are tired.
> >
> >So ADD and hyperactive kids and so on are just tired? Or when they're
> >not tired but being totally unreasonable and often violent with it
> >it's just their natural-born childish obstreperousness?
> >
> >Maybe you should check your facts.
> >
> > >As a practicing curmudgeon I however still maintain that I had a
> > >valid grievance all those times I complained so vociferously at the
> > >age of four (and I was a pig-headed little terror).
> > >
> > >Surely you see the political danger, regardless of the truth or
> > >otherwise of the matter: "Your opinion doesn't count: it's just the
> > >MSG talking."     -D
> >
> >Regardless of the truth or otherwise of the matter, you're now
> >asserting that the MSG's "opinion" doesn't count, and implying that
> >there are no political dangers in that assertion, or at least failing
> >to see them.
> >
> >The average Westerner eats 8-10 lbs of food additives per year, there
> >are more than 5,000 of them, all bearing the same safety certificate
> >as thalidomide, and nothing is known of their synergistic effects.
> >You think that's a minor matter?
> >
> >Do yer homework Dawie.
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> > >----- Original Message ----
> > >From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >Sent: Thursday, 21 June, 2007 8:07:56 PM
> > >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 'What the World Eats'!
> > >
> > > >The third world urban poor increasingly eat the same sort of stuff,
> > > >albeit often in unexpected, locally unique combinations. For
> > > >instance, you'll find informally-slaughtered meat combined with
> > > >commercially-milled maize meal and sauces made from various
> > > >supermarket bits and pieces. The inversion of staple and luxury
> > > >foods (and stuff in general) is a problem all over.
> > > >
> > > >I'd put the antisocial behaviour down to the experience of
> > > >unfreedom, however, especially when people aren't equipped to
> > > >articulate it.
> > >
> > >Perhaps you should read Price and Pottenger first before you decide
> > >that. There's much other evidence for it, if you care to look. Have a
> > >look at the Medical Testament in our Small Farms Library, just for
> > >one. Many times replicated, each time as if the findings are
> > >something new. Eg:
> > ><<<http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2984519.stm>http://news.bbc. 
> >uk/><http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2984519.stm>http://news.bbc. 
> >k/
> > >1/hi/health/2984519.stm
> > >BBC NEWS | Health |
> > >Tuesday, 29 April, 2003, UK
> > >Twin study reveals food additives effect
> > >
> > >Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price
> > ><<<http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library.html#price>http://jou 
> >yto><http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library.html#price>http://jou 
> >to
> > >forever.org/farm_library.html#price
> > >
> > >Best
> > >
> > >Keith
> > >
> >
> > >
> > >----- Original Message ----
> > >From: Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >Sent: Thursday, 21 June, 2007 3:51:00 PM
> > >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 'What the World Eats'!
> > >
> > >Poor in America eat spaghetti and such. Price and Potteneger blamed
> > >poor nutrition as the cause of much antisocial behavior. They had
> > >records and photographs to support their hypothesis.
> > >Poor in the "third world" tend to grow their own and actually eat
> > >better than the working class in the states. Americans by and large
> > >eat crap. Transfats, ersatz, and corn syrup.
> > >Then they wonder why cancer and diabetes and heart disease are epidemic.
> > >Like its rocket science.
> > >
> > >Kirk
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