It now becomes clear, Bush was right on the money. There are weapons  
of mass destruction and they are still being developed and deployed.  
The developing countries are following the path of the developed  
world and mass producing greenhouse gasses and other pollutants with  
technology we all know we should no longer be using. As their ability  
to afford more and consume increases, their medical systems improve  
their population will boom, compounding the effect.

Have we as a species, reached or exceeded the sustainable population  
for our planet?

We see the depletion of natural resources, in our lifetime, like no  
other. We see politicians promoting profit by population growth like  
there are no limits. We are biological, living on this space bound  
bubble, limited in resources, limits disregarded by financial models,  
by which politicians and corporations live.

Time to get your heads out of the sand. Decisions made now, in our  
lifetime will determine the future for our children (and perhaps  
ourselves if change is rapid).  Commerce is just as finite as our  
natural resources. We should be looking at a sustainable market, we  
should make long life products, durable, repairable and upgradeable/ 
extensible. We consumers should expect and demand these criteria, too  
much is disposable in just a few years.

We do not want to follow the example of bacteria/moulds/yeasts/ 
rodents, boom and bust. The devastation of millions of dead/dying  
people fighting each other for the few remaining resources.


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