On Mar 4, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Keith Addison wrote:

> Most of the debunkings of Gold seem to come from Peak Oil true
> believers. Sorry, I'm not saying they're wrong, but a lot of them act
> like true believers, and it seems to be impossible to tell who's
> right. I'd prefer to keep faith for the ineffable rather than for
> such matters as petroleum reserves.

I probably fall into the category of a believer in peak oil  (though
maybe not a "true believer" :-)).  I hate the expression Peak Oil
Theory, because the only way it's just a theory is if abiotic oil
is valid. Otherwise, obviously, oil must peak, like coal, tungsten,
uranium, etc, or anything else one takes out of the ground and
doesn't put back. You can argue time frame, but not "theory".

Even the Oil Drum, http://www.theoildrum.com/  has some folks
who admit that SOME oil may be created abiotically, just not
enough to make any difference. I actually have never pursued
the arguments for abiotic oil -- the agenda for anyone to
suggest it is just too clear:  "No problem with oil, folks, nothing
to see here, move on....." I wouldn't be surprised if some of the
funding for their work has come from TPTB, tho again I haven't
researched the details.

IMHO, best to assume the worst, and plan accordingly. As others
have said, let's hope peak oil (and coal and gas) come soon, for
the sake of the global warming aspect if it doesn't.

Besides the Oil Drum, I would highly recommend, for anyone
who isn't already saturated with the concept of peak oil, any of
the writings of Richard Heinberg, Ken Deffeyes, or Colin Campbell,
including the latter's Association for the Study of Peak Oil (and gas),
also known as ASPO:


-Ken Provost

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