Hi Robert,
I also live in British Columbia and I believe the carbon tax is good for the 
environment.  It is a little bit like putting a tax on cigarettes.  It is 
penalizing for bad behavior and rewarding for good behaviour.  What I hope is 
that the money will not go into general revenue but will go towards promoting 
alternative energies and green jobs.
Terry Dyck> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:23:38 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Confessions 
of an 'ex' Peak Oil believer> > Keith Addison wrote:> > <snip>> > >Then there's 
this:> >> >http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0228/p04s01-wogi.html> >North America 
Gets Its First Carbon Tax> >The Canadian province of British Columbia hopes to 
change consumer > >behavior - and raise revenue - by taxing virtually all 
fossil fuels, > >including gasoline and home-heating fuel.> >> >Thin end of the 
wedge.> > > >> > I've wanted to contribute to this discussion, but it's been > 
difficult because I've been busy. I'm skeptical of abiotic oil only > because 
the whole debate seems to focus on "either / or" position. Oil > IS found in 
sedimentary basins associated with geological deposition, > just as the western 
geologists say, but if the Russians, who are also > smart people, have 
discovered an abiotic source, why can't both be > true? We have entire planets 
smothered in hydrocarbons, do we not?> > On the other hand, I grew up in Los 
Angeles and recall THOUSANDS of > wells pumping out of the ground as a child. 
The vast majority of those > have since been capped because of an important 
physical property that > seems to be lost in this discussion: Once it requires 
more energy to > remove the resource than can be recovered in the oil itself, 
it becomes > a losing proposition--no matter how abundant it may be.> > Some of 
the sedimentary basins DO appear to slowly refill, while > others do not. Isn't 
it possible that both phenomena exist?> > As for carbon taxing, it's a little 
disingenuous of the BC > government to do this and claim it's all in the 
interest of the > environment. There is a lot of discussion that the carbon tax 
is REALLY > just a matter of filling provincial coffers, even though the scheme 
is > described as "revenue neutral." Most of our energy is hydroelectric, > 
which produces no carbon emissions at all, so this is often perceived as > a 
way of keeping energy-rich Alberta from dominating the energy market > in B.C. 
In addition, the "carbon tax" favors "carbon neutral" energy > schemes, such as 
wood-fired electricity generation. It's a means of > dealing with our vast 
pine-beetle problem by jump-starting investment in > "wood to energy" plants in 
the central interior of the province.> > The tax is supposed to influence 
consumer behavior, but it won't > make enough of a financial impact to force 
wealthy people like me to > turn the thermostat down, insulate the house 
better, or drive less. As > long as we're structuring the economy on unlimited 
growth, the only > thing a carbon tax will do is create opportunity for people 
to make > money on the problem, without really solving the problem itself.> > 
Personally, I think we need to re-evaluate how we build our cities, > grow our 
food, organize our communities and move ourselves around. A > tax that forces 
people to use less of something they need favors the > wealthy, for whom its 
impact is insignificant. The fact that B.C. will > be giving rebates to "poor" 
families (trust me, even I will qualify for > this!) means that it's not going 
to do very much to change energy > consumption in this province.> > robert luis 
rabello> "The Edge of Justice"> "The Long Journey"> New Adventure for Your 
Mind> http://www.newadventure.ca> > Ranger Supercharger Project Page> 
http://www.members.shaw.ca/rabello/> > > 
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