> I didn't defend the article, all I did was debunk your statement that 
>it didn't give any references.

No, you didn't, since the only reference the article gives is one to another
article that similarly doesn't give any actual information beyond numbers
with no context.  The numbers in the two articles don't even match.  The
other blue links on the page lead to pages that have nothing to do with the
article, so they're not references either.   A reference is a statement,
"this is where I got my information from".

> Your response is much the same: "I haven't read the report, perhaps I 
>will if I can find it and have time...", "I don't have the links 

Not true, I went and read the closest thing to a reference from that article
and discovered it was pretty much just more of the same.  I checked the
other pages and discovered they don't contain anything relating to the
article.  Even the cancer link had nothing about cancer caused by DU.  I
also went and had a look at some info about the "eminent" scientist to
discover that the use of "eminent" is probably pushing the boundaries.  If I
had time I would certainly already have read Moret's Trojan Horse page, but
I haven't.  When I have time I will read it.

> Now you didn't just blind-eye their reasons like you've been doing 
>here did you?

The original article didn't give any reasons.  It gave what looked like
reasons that turned out not to be since they weren't explicitly linked to
what the article was about.

I did have a look at one anti-DU site and found that the articles were much
like the one originally posted.  I've just had a look through a couple of
articles on the ICBDU site and, other than one where someone had cancer that
is believed to have been caused by exposure during clean-ups (involving
being relatively close to detonations and direct inhalation of large
quantities from that), they all say pretty much the same thing - we're not
sure, studies say that there's no issue, but we have concerns about things
that might have been overlooked.  Perhaps in there somewhere is something
definitive, but it's certainly not made obvious.

> I don't think the fact that you couldn't find them means they don't exist.

There's a difference between the resolution and a link to it existing and
the fact that I couldn't find it.  You asked me to give the references to
something I couldn't find.  I didn't have a reference since I couldn't find
any and therefore I can't give you a reference that doesn't exist.  It's the
equivalent of me saying I couldn't find a unicorn and you asking me to show
you where I found the unicorn.

I did find the article in the link you posted, but it says that the UN
passed a resolution highlighting serious health concerns.  I didn't see
anything about the UN declaring DU weapons illegal weapons of mass
destruction, so I didn't mention it as a reference since it's not a
reference to the UN resolution referred to in the original article.  I
checked the resolution PDF and it said only that the request was that a
study be conducted and that the results be included on the agenda of a
future session.

> You still haven't given any references for your own claims.

Yes, I did, I put in a link to the WHO page that plays down any significant
danger from DU.  I didn't include a direct link, but I also mentioned (in
two places) Wikipedia pages that give information, including a sort of
disclaimer that Wikipedia isn't necessarily the ideal source of facts.  The
information in there about the jury still being out on whether and to what
extent DU is dangerous does match up with what WHO says and with all but one
of the articles I read on the ICBUW site (which, admittedly, was only 3 of

> opened up a lot of angles for you to follow, if you'd wanted to, but 
>you went and closed them all again

I followed several of the links, read what was at all but one of the ones I
followed, did other searches and yet I'm just closing the angles?

I'm all for criticism, but an argument must be made.  As I said in my
original response, I'm not saying the claims aren't true, I'm just saying
that what's presented doesn't actually constitute an argument and that does
more damage than good, certainly for me.

ExxonMobil has every right to ask for the proof.  If not, where does one
draw the line?  If you were running a business and I told you you had to
spend a whole lot of money to change the way you do business based on a
claim I had about damage you were causing, are you telling me you'd just
make the expensive changes, possibly lose revenue, etc., simply on my say
so?  I know I wouldn't, I'd want the claim verified.  There do at least
appear to be fewer naysayers in the scientific community about global
warming these days and while there are still those who're claiming it's not
real, or at least that we're not causing it, are finding it harder and
harder to support their stance.

By the way, in case it's not clear, I'm enjoying this.  I know that I have a
tendency to get carried away and commit exactly the crimes I'm accusing
others of doing.  Having it pointed out to me is most welcome.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: 22 May 2008 01:20 PM
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse
Than Nuclear Weapons


I didn't defend the article, all I did was debunk your statement that 
it didn't give any references.

Your response is much the same: "I haven't read the report, perhaps I 
will if I can find it and have time...", "I don't have the links 

>Other pages I found (I
>don't have the links anymore) were pages of anti DU groups saying it's bad,
>but not giving any reason why.

Sure, anti-DU groups are bound to go about their campaign by saying 
it's bad but not giving any reason why. :-)

Like this one:

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU)

No shortage of reasons there. Nor here:

International Coalition to Ban Depleted Uranium

Now you didn't just blind-eye their reasons like you've been doing 
here did you?

>As to the second bit, "I couldn't find anything about the UN", how exactly
>would I provide references that don't exist?

I don't think the fact that you couldn't find them means they don't exist.

UN General Assembly Passes DU Resolution

>See below for the full text of the resolution:
>'Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted 
>uranium' A/C.1/62/L.18/Rev.1
>Full text (select your language of choice):

No difficulty finding it. You keep asking "Where are the references?" 
but it seems the last thing you want to find is references, whether 
they exist or not. You still haven't given any references for your 
own claims.

>How many people are going to spend hours of their day trawling the internet
>trying to determine if there's any substance to what's said?  Most people
>simply don't have that kind of time on their hands.

:-) So you think I do? Actually it only took two minutes, and it 
opened up a lot of angles for you to follow, if you'd wanted to, but 
you went and closed them all again. Did you check the list archives? 
No, right? 116 finds for "Depleted uranium".

It's a controversial subject, anything that criticises the glorious 
US military is a controversial subect. You remind me of what 
ExxonMobil's been saying about global warming for the last 20 years: 
Where's the proof? Where's the evidence? Where's the sound science?

Better question: where's the precautionary principle? There's rather 
more than just a good case for applying it to DU, long since. Unless 
you also think the Ford Pinto was a great car.


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