Hi Chris

>you're right, keith.  thanks for taking the time to point that out.

Sorry I didn't reply direct.

>it's a sort of double-think process.

Yes indeed.

>there's no doubt in my mind that
>many of those who have dialed down their sense of urgency vis a vis
>global warming still believe it's a serious problem, but the mild
>temps means part of their mind starts to listen to the denial
>arguments, if only to allow themselves to postpone the inevitable

It's a stronger message anyway. Not in content or veracity of course, 
but that doesn't matter much with such a powerful delivery system, it 
fools enough of the people enough of the time. Or maybe not. Too soon 
to tell. It's wasted 22 years already, but there's still hope.

>the whole consumerist paradigm is indeed fundamental.  i
>wanted to tie that in but was a bit pressed for time so tried to hint
>at it while making my main point.  re, the hertzen quote, it
>definitely has a grim appeal.  those russian arnachists were some bad
>actors, weren't they?

They sure were. I guess that's what it took.

>  >Alexander Herzen, speaking a century ago to a group of Russian
>>anarchists working to topple the czar, reminded his followers that
>>they were not there to rescue the system.
>  >"We think we are the doctors," Herzen said. "We are the disease."

It just came up again, in a piece by Alexander Cockburn on Obama 
bailing out the banksters: "Obama is not seeking to reform the 
financial system, and it would be beyond miraculous if he did, since 
the contrivers of the present mess--Lawrence Summers, et al--were 
given a welcoming clap on the back by the new president, as he 
stepped into the White House and told them to get on with the job. 
This amazing bailout for the existing corrupt system--as if Lenin had 
used the October revolution to restore the Romanovs--has been 
engineered without significant opposition from organized labor or the 
left-liberal end of Obama's own party." - "All the Populism Money Can 
Buy," October 23-25, 2009 

:-) A neat comparison.

Hm. I also said "People want to do the right thing but they're 
drenched in all the consumerist spin. I can't blame them for that, I 
can only admire those that aren't." Can't blame them maybe, but it's 
hard to like some of them:

"Paranoia for Breakfast," by David Michael Green, October 24, 2009 

"Terror from the Right - 75 plots, conspiracies and racist rampages 
since Oklahoma City," 07/01/2009 


I think I prefer the Russian anarchists.



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