Hello Kirk

>I am financially strapped but hopefully my Sako will sell soon and my friend
>will cut the wheel for me.

What's a Sako?

>I actually thought it would be so apparent when pointed out that people could
>get busy and throw them together.

But nobody has, have they? It's obviously apparent to you, but 
perhaps not to anyone else. And it'll cost some money, it sounds like 
it needs precision engineering. So then it wouldn't be a matter of 
just throwing them together, would it? People need to be convinced 
before they'll invest time and money.

>I was further motivated to disclose because of my health.

I'm sorry to hear that.

>I very well could not
>be here to disclose if I waited. -Oh well.

I wasn't talking about waiting.

>Plans are as easy as falling off a log.

Well that shouldn't be a problem for you then. If plans would be that 
easy, why not produce plans?

Sorry if this seems tiresome, but the rest of your message is just 
another explanation. Explanations are not the same as plans, a 
working model, a design. As far as I'm concerned, and perhaps to most 
of us here, all it amounts to is just more theorising.

>  So I gurantee it works.

You can't guarantee it. Guarantees are 100%. Until you've built a 
working model and proved that it works as you think it will, you 
won't really know yourself whether it works or not, despite your 
conviction that it will. Don't you owe it to yourself to do that?

Best wishes


>momentum is transferred between 2 masses
>using a wheel as a lever and the only thing you have to observe is
>input momentum is transferred at v/2 and output mass has to have the same mass
>relationship as the ratio of wheel diameters. ie if mass is 4:1
>  then driven point on wheel and output point on wheel are also 4:1
>Capturing the faster mass after it has swapped its ke for altitude 
>is done with
>a ferris wheel (or think water wheel) or cups on a belt also called 
>an elevator
>in the agriculture industry.
>People insist on thinking ke is something besides velocity and it isnt. The
>glareing clue should be it ignores Newtons 3rd law of motion.
>When Einstein discussed conservation of energy he used momentum not 
>ke. There is
>a reason he chose to do it that way
>I suppose the classic textbook nonsense is they describe a mass moving at x
>velocity picking up (colliding) with an equivalent mass and now 
>moving v/2. They
>show how no momentum was lost, ie m1v1=m2v2 and then fall off the 
>wagon with the
>absurdity the missing ke was turned into heat and sound. If you lost 
>no momentum
>you lost no energy. Cant have it both ways.
>So much for Newtonian mechanics in the 21st century educational system.
>So I gurantee it works. Just have to keep beating my head against the wall I
>I think educated people are at a disadvantage. If you believe something to the
>point there is no doubt, no question in your mind, then when asked 
>to change it
>you have to go through some profound psychological changes. I know when I
>fianally "saw" it I actually felt physically dizzy for a moment. Interesting
>that changing a viewpoint could do that.
>Seems once something is part of the paradigm we can go hysterically 
>blind rather
>than challenge it.
>Funny creatures arent we?
>Soon, very soon, my friend I can take pictures and hopefully that will do it.
>All the best
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 2:10:13 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out
>Hello Kirk
>>I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to
>>extract power.
>>Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed
>>   http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=84182#84182
>But I don't see much there. There's some discussion further up the
>page and so on. "Can we look forward to you building a working device
>in the near future?" someone asks. Can we? "Now we need to set up a
>shop and turn them out by the thousands," you say. But that requires
>a working model, a design, plans, not just theoretical discussion, or
>nobody'll buy it except the true-believers. Sorry to sound so
>negative, but that's how it is, IMHO. Do you have a design that
>works, not just something for further experimentation?
>>hope all is well with you Keith
>Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-)
>Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there
>though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again,
>and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes,
>all's well.
>I hope all's well with you too Kirk.
>All best
>  >Kirk

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