Published on Friday, June 10, 2011 by

The Green Revolution Backfires: Sweden's Lesson for Real Sustainability

by Firmin DeBrabander

What if electric cars made pollution worse, not better? What if they 
increased greenhouse gas emissions instead of decreasing them? 
Preposterous you say? Well, consider what's happened in Sweden.

Through generous subsidies, Sweden aggressively pushed its citizens 
to trade in their cars for energy efficient replacements (hybrids, 
clean diesel vehicles, cars that run on ethanol). Sweden has been so 
successful in this initiative that it leads the world in per capita 
sales of 'green cars.' To everyone's surprise, however, greenhouse 
gas emissions from Sweden's transportation sector are up.

Or perhaps we should not be so surprised after all. What do you 
expect when you put people in cars they feel good about driving (or 
at least less guilty), which are also cheap to buy and run? 
Naturally, they drive them more. So much more, in fact, that they 
obliterate energy gains made by increased fuel efficiency.

We need to pay attention to this as GM and Nissan roll out their new 
green cars to great fanfare. The Chevy Volt, a hybrid with a 
lithium-ion battery, can go 35 miles on electric power alone (after 
charging over night, for example), and GM brags on its website that 
if you limit your daily driving to that distance, you can "commute 
gas-free for an average of $1.50 a day." The Volt's price is listed 
at a very reasonable $33K (if you qualify for the maximum $7500 in 
tax credits). The fully electric Nissan Leaf is advertized for an 
even more reasonable $26K (with qualifying tax credits, naturally). 
What a deal-and it's good for you, too, the carmakers want you to 
know. As GM helpfully points out on its website, "Electricity is a 
cleaner source of power."

Sweden is a model of sustainability innovation, while the US is the 
most voracious consumer on the planet. Based on Sweden's experience 
with green cars, it's daunting to imagine their possible impact here. 
Who can doubt that they'll likely inspire Americans to make longer 
commutes to work, live even further out in the exurbs, bringing 
development, blacktop and increased emissions with them?

In its current state, the green revolution is largely devoted to the 
effort to provide consumers with the products they have always loved, 
but now in affordable energy efficient versions. The thinking seems 
to be that through this gradual exchange, we can reduce our 
collective carbon footprint. Clearly, however, this approach is 
doomed if we don't reform our absurd consumption habits, which are so 
out-of-whack that they risk undoing any environmental gains we might 
make. Indeed, we are such ardent, addicted consumers that we take 
efficiency gains as license to consume even more!

We need to address consumption fast because-news alert-the current 
consumer class on earth barely amounts to 1 billion people (if that), 
but 2 billion and counting eagerly wait in the wings.

American industry hungrily targets the rising Chinese consumer class. 
For the sake of the planet, we better hope it doesn't get its way. 
Consider: China currently has a car ownership rate approximately 
one-sixth that of the US. If China achieves car ownership rates 
comparable to the US, that would put an additional 800 million cars 
on the road. And that's just China. Even if we somehow succeeded in 
making China's fleet super efficient, it would still be more than the 
planet can handle.

Of course, cars are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 
Chinese consumer dreams. They will also want more electronics, 
clothes, meat, processed foods-bigger houses. In short, we can bet 
that the rising Chinese middle class will want something close to 
what we have. And why shouldn't they? We have been showcasing our 
middle class comfort worldwide for years through our vast media 
exports. Everyone is betting, hoping-assuming?-that technology will 
eventually help us deliver the American dream worldwide with no 
environmental impact. But clearly, we may run out of planet by the 
time that day comes. Even the American dream in an 'energy efficient 
format' is likely too much for the earth to handle.

If this is chilling-and it should be-you might wonder, what are our 
options? Justice demands that we cannot prevent, much less discourage 
the growing global consumer class from having the consumer goods we 
currently enjoy. Real change starts with us then, and I'm afraid to 
say, radical change is in order. We must figure out a way to consume 
less, which means driving less, shopping less, eating less meat 
(which the UN estimates is responsible for a fifth of all greenhouse 
gases), and conserving food and energy. This means essentially 
rethinking our suburban-sprawling, fast-food-gorging, shopaholic 
society. We must model for the world the changes we hope everyone 
will make to ensure a sustainable future.

It's time to be courageous and think big about altering our 
lifestyle, values and future. The powers that be are reluctant to 
rock the boat with consumers, and have decided that leaving 
consumption habits intact as much as possible is the preferable 
option. They'd rather get us into electric cars, rather than out of 
our cars altogether. Well, we need more than half measures at this 
point. As Sweden proves, unless other more fundamental changes are 
made to our engrained consumption habits, half measures only dig us 
deeper in the hole.

Firmin DeBrabander is Chair of Humanistic Studies and Associate 
Professor of Philosophy at the Maryland Institute College of Art.

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