Jim Leonard wrote:
>Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> I thought of "habyt", "hobit", but ended up with "hobbyt", how does it
> sound?

>Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder seems to fit the bill more.

You have just stated that about 50% of game collectors in the world, and
including reknown ones like Jason P. Cobb suffer from a mental disorder.
Bravo! You have superseeded yourself.

>Unless you're
>grabbing them to resell or trade, or for parts, why would you want more
>than 2 (1 to appreciate, the other as a backup) of the same product?

If you ask questions like the one above, it makes me wonder, do you
_really_ collect games?

OK, here's the short answer:

a) When they're different versions b) when they are sold in a bundle in
which I wanted some other thing from it c) When it's sold really really
really cheap.

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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