Hugh Falk wrote:
> Cracked?  What do you mean?  I have the original box and disk that says on
> the EA label: "IBM XT, PC, PCjr, COMPAQ"

PC does not equal "DOS".  It is a bootable disk, like Pinball
Construction Set, Music Construction Set, Dr J. and Larry Bird go One on
One, and other conversions.  You stick the disk in and turn on the PC,
and it boots directly using custom code.  The fact that it is NOT a DOS
executable makes it valuable because unless it is cracked it is
impossible to play on a modern machine without jumping though hoops. 
Check for some more info.  Cracking
bootable games is a black art -- and converting them to .EXE files is
even blacker.

There's a link to Retrograde Station off of the Flopper page mentioned
above that lists a large number of bootables that I've helped supply and
crack, if you're interested.  Most were extremely rare until we supplied
them to the world.

You know, noble cause and all that.  :-)

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