"C.E. Forman" wrote:
> > > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1260285866
> >
> > Geezus, you *both* paid too much for this.  I value the entire thing at
> > $250, tops.
> That's probably because the auction text doesn't mention that the Starcross
> game is the saucer package.  Hugh and I both asked, but the seller never
> posted it publicly.

Oh!  Well, that explains it.  Tell me earlier next time so I don't make
a fool of myself!  :-)
> That's another piece of good advice:  If you're not sure what
> package/release an item is, ask!  If the seller says it's Ultima for the
> Apple II, ask if it's the Origin or the CPC release.  Of course, there is a
> downside to this: The seller may decide to add this info to the auction, and
> then everyone will know.  (I've lost count of the number of times someone
> selling BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception has told me, "Sorry, it
> doesn't have a pin, somebody else asked me that too."  Then the next time I
> check the page, he's added this fact to the description.)

Fair enough.

Quickies:  Does Battle Hawks' Inception fetch more for C64 or IBM?  Was
it released for any other platform(s)?  Is the pin more than half of the
total "value" (sorry, tried hard not to use a subjective term) of the
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