Hello everyone!
First of all, congratulations on your newborn son, Hugh! :D

Second, since I didn't have the chance to contribute to this specific topic
(Sniping) in August because I was in vacations, I'd like to share my
personal view:

Sniping is very useful indeed. Most probably will save you a lot of money
and, as Chris mentioned, will prevent others from "stalking" your username.


Consider for example the amount of cash that Hugh (IIRC it was Hugh) lost
for that Apple auction because Chris sniped him some seconds later! Now
that wouldn't have happened if either one had "reserved" the auction by any

Now what do I mean by "reserving" an auction? First, my most (and not mine
only) important policy: I never bid against friends, period. I usually
"reserve" my auctions by making a low bid (I'm not famous, so I'm sure
nobody stalks my name), then going for a snipe when/if possible.
Optionally, if I'm trading emails with someone, I let them know "Look, I
found item number #9999999999, looks very nice, and I'm going for it", and
therefore I know that person won't bid against me.

Has its advantages and disadvantages, but that's the way I prefer to play
the game.

Glad to be with all of you again,

PS: During September, while going through my (tiny) collection, I
remembered something I was mistaken about (yes, as usual): I've stated that
Boris Vallejo had never, to my knowledge, made a cover art for any computer
game. Well, he did at least the art for Dragon Wars (not one of his best
drawings, though).

Pedro R. Quaresma
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"


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