Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> It was the first colorful 180o rotational 3d game out there, wasn't it? I
> think WC could have had a better port for the Amiga, but UW just couldn't.
> I don't think Fat Agnes, Amy, Paul or Gary could handle all that 3d glory!
> ;)

I know you're kidding, but you know as well as I do that coders, even
democoders, had a problem doing "chunky"-style graphics with the Amiga's
planar hardware.  It just wasn't straightforward; it wasn't what the
Amiga was designed for.  MCGA ever since 1987 has had a
direct-pixel-address scheme (it's a linear 64K bitmap) so stuff like
texture mapping and Wing Commander scaling/rotation stuff was easy.  But
on the Amiga... Geez, the only texture-mapped stuff I can remember
seeing on my A1200 was in demos.  I don't think I've ever seen a 3D
texture-mapped game for Amiga (but then again I haven't tried very
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