"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
> Hugh Falk boldly stated:
> >
> >By the way, Catacomb Abyss is definitely the forefather of Wolfenstein...you
> >can see the similarities, but it is by no means a killer game.  It is slow
> >and crude...but it definitely had potential.
> I played a pre-Wolfenstein FPS back in the early '90s that I've
> forgotten the name of.  You were piloting a 'mech in an underground
> maze.  It was strictly one-on-one and the big feature was modem
> support.  (Without a modem, you fought against the computer, IIRC.)
> It wasn't smooth scrolling, though.  It was more like the first person
> RPGs where you "jump" a square at a time.  But unlike the RPGs, this
> was real-time.  (Anybody remember the name?)

Yep, you're thinking of Megatron VGA.  View more details here:


God, I love MobyGames.  Anyone got another obscure game question?  Bring
it on!!  :-)
> I guess the FPS genre has actually been around a lot longer than Wolf
> 3D, it just came into the primetime then.  Even the Atari 2600 had a
> FP (no S, though) game.  It was for the Supercharger, an add-on device
> that loaded games from tape and gave developers and extra 2K to work
> with (6K vs. 4K), and called Escape from the Mindmaster.

Yep, it was wizardry-like dungeon maze walls.  But FPS existed as early
as Battlezone, if you want to get technical.
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