There is an English version of Ambermoon, in the very least in .adf files
(can these be converted to floppies readable by the real Amiga? No idea)

But even the guy behind the Thalion Webshrine isn't sure if there is a
boxed english version, I'll try to ask him. Anyway, have you played it,
Karl? Because it looks very good. I know Amberstar was ported to the PC
too, but it's damn hard to find (it's on my top-10 wanted list...)

Legends of Valour was a bit strange, but innovative nevertheless. The city
of Mittledorf is still most probably the biggest city ever in any RPG up to
date. The game itself had some flaws, but it was the 3d engine I was
praising. Only played it on the IBM, btw.

Pedro R. Quaresma
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

          "Karl Kuras"                                                                 
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                   
          08/11/01 21:53                                                               
          Solicita-se resposta a                                                       
          swcollect                      Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                
                                        Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] Soccer games 

From: "Pedro Quaresma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> About Legends of Valour and Ambermoon... the later is still considered
> of the best Amiga RPGs to date. (I'm trying to get my hands on a copy
> myself :) ). The former is a, IMHO, underrated game, because that 3d
> was very nice for its days, and faster than UW's.

You'll have a hard time finding Ambermoon as it was only released in
Germany.  The English gaming press got review copies, but it was never
published outside of Germany.
Legends of Valor was ok, but with the limits of a standard Amiga (the old
1mb config) it was too slow and enemies were stupid (you could hit them,
away and they again would walk in their pre-set patterns).  But still a
milestone title.

Karl Kuras
Visit Our House the online comic strip!

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