Saw a bunch of Apple /// manuals and some software at a thrift store
today.  No computer in sight. 8(  I may go back and pick them up, I
haven't decided yet.  But any way, it makes me ask the question:

     Are there any games created specifically for the Apple ///?

>From what I recall, it was aimed at business users and flopped quite
quickly, so I'm guessing not.  But I figured if anybody knows, it'd be
you guys.  BTW, I'm not saying the games had to only appear on the
Apple ///, just be written specfically for it and not the Apple II.

While I'm at it, the same question goes for the Lisa.  Any games
written for it?

Maybe I should just go ahead and ask the more general question, what
personal computers did *not* have commercial games created for them? 

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *

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