"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
> >From what I recall, it was aimed at business users and flopped quite
> quickly, so I'm guessing not.  But I figured if anybody knows, it'd be
> you guys.  BTW, I'm not saying the games had to only appear on the
> Apple ///, just be written specfically for it and not the Apple II.

I can remember *versions* of games that came out from one platform that were
released/enhanced/upgraded/downgraded to run on other Apple variations, but
the Apple /// was not one of them.  Specific variations from the original that
I can remember are:

- Apple IIGS (obviously)
- Apple IIe (graphics upgrade to use double hi-res)
- Apple II+ (game had downgrade modifications done to work from original 64K
- Apple IIc (NO IDEA, read below)

IIGS upgrades were obvious so I won't go into them.  The IIe versions to use
double hi-res I believe were Pengiun IF with graphics, if memory serves.  The
II+ versions I remember seeing were "downgrades" to run on II+ boxes (I
believe Applewriter was one that I saw, and a special educational
institution-only version of Carmen Sandiego was another).  

The IIc stuff, though, baffles me -- I remember seeing some game that said it
had been upgraded to use the "IIe/IIc" (as written on the sticker) and when I
tried it it actually produced a menu asking me what type of machine I had, IIe
or IIc.  That may have just been a red herring.

As for the second part of your question:  No, I can't specifically remember
any personal computers that didn't have commercial games specifically written
for or ported to them.  There were initially many variations early IBM PC
games made to accomodate non-100% IBM PC compatible variations like the DEC
Rainbow (these were mostly Infocom parser variations) but that's UNinteresting
ancient history ;-)
Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                    http://www.oldskool.org/
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