Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
>> I'm thinking there was some enhancement made to the IIc that the
>> original IIe didn't have (but later ones did).  Unfortunately, what it
>> was isn't coming to me.  Unless . . . did later the IIc and later IIe's
>> have a built-in 80 column mode?
>My memory says that both IIe and IIc had the 80-column card built in...  Hm. 
>Well, at some point in the future, on my deathbed most likely, I'll remember.

No, I can tell you for a fact the original IIe did not have an
80-column card built in.  My father bought one separately when we got
our IIe, which was an original model.

I should have looked this up before, but was too lazy.  From the
c.s.a2 FAQ (http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/A2FAQs2CONTENT.html):

     Except for being able to type and display lower-case
     characters, the unenhanced IIe is very similar to the II+.  A
     128k Enhanced IIe adds a number of features including
     80-column firmware and 16-color double-lores and double hires
     display capability.

I don't know if my father ever bought the actual enhancement kit, but
he otherwise maxed out our Apple IIe before he finally went to a
PowerMac in the mid '90s.

Oh, and to possibly answer your question about //c-specific software:  

     The //c and IIc+ run just about all of the DOS 3.3, ProDOS,
     "128k" software, etc. that an Enhanced //e runs plus the few
     //c-only software releases.  However, the use of certain
     locations for storing system variables and ROM differences
     means that //c series machines will not run a number of old
     games designed for the ][ and ][+ which the IIe and IIgs will

(The difference between the //c and IIc+ is that the //c has a 5.25"
drive while the IIc+ has a 3.5",  plus a faster processor and the
ability to daisy-chain drives.)

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/

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