Argh!  Went to a thrift store and found a copy of Empire.  Got someone
to show it to me (it was in a display case) and it was for the Amiga.
I bought anyway, even though I shouldn't be spending money on such
things.  This is my second copy of Empire.  The other is for the C-64. 

I was introduced to this game in college.  I spent the week of spring
break painstakingly creating a map of North America.  (My car was in
the shop, so I was trapped on campus with nothing else to do.)  I
still have my copies of Empire Deluxe and ED Scenarios that I bought
new.  I was thrilled when I found a copy of ED Masters Edition at a
used CD store and got it for less than $10 (IIRC).  I never new it
existed until then.  It was nice to have a version that would run
under Windows with only one minor problem.  (The DOS version runs, but
bad things happen if you try to Alt-Tab away from it and come back.)

Why can't I find a friggin' copy of the PC version?!?  Okay, I admit
I haven't been looking real hard.  (As in, I'm not watching eBay.) 
But in doing so I've found two copies, just not for the right
computer.  Anyone want to trade a PC copy for an Amiga or C-64 one?
(BTW, Jim, thanks for finally adding it to MobyGames.  I somehow
missed it when you did that.)

Also saw an interesting game called Fire-Brigade.  I see the company
that made it is still around (  Anyway,
the game was for the PC and came in a case similar to the clamshells
that Disney videos come in.  Everything seemed to be there, except the
3.5" disk(s?).  (The 5.25" disks were there.)  Panther Games is an
Australian company, so I don't know if this packaging is typical of
Australian games, or if it was sold in the U.S. like this or what.  I
almost bought it, but decided I'd already overspent just getting
Empire.  Anyone intersted in it?

Lee K. Seitz

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