The Bad Street Brawler intro did it for me on the PC, with that
wonderful television static effect. Pretty major for 1987!

Origin Museum wrote:
> Hi all!
> I just ordered one, based on my love for old demos, and my feelings for Jim! (Thanks 
>for this site, ya big lug!)  :)
> I've been a demo fan since the days of the C64, and I still remember how blown away 
>I was when I first saw 'Fishtro'.  I spent lots of my time just watching those little 
> I'll get the DVD right after Christmas, and I'll be sure to post my reviews here.
> '...Preserving Worlds...'
> Joe Garrity
> Curator of The Origin Museum
> Protector of The Ultima Crossbow
> >Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 00:57:44 -0600
> > Jim Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SWCollect] 
>MindCandyReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Sorry to pimp one of my own projects here, but it 1. serves as an explanation
> >as to why I've been so silent since I created the mailing list, and 2. it has
> >slight relevance to our hobby:
> >
> >After 2.5 years, I have finally finished MindCandy, a double-sided DVD filled
> >with "demos", which are best described as underground hacker multimedia
> >artistic programming demonstrations.  You can read all about it and download a
> >trailer at  That explains why I've been so slient.  The
> >"relevance" part is the "old-school" side of the DVD, which has a lot of early
> >PC demos from 1990-1997, which illustrate how ahead of the game industry demos
> >were -- clever young programmers were pushing PCs harder than game companies
> >during that time period.  Also relevant is the history of demos, explained in
> >a 16-minute featurette, where I explain that demos were born from software
> >pirates cracking games and bragging about it.
> >
> >So, if you want to help me break even on the project, please feel free to
> >order one :).  <sob story> Otherwise I'll have to start... selling... my
> >collection... to make ends meet </sob story>  ;-)
> >
> >Anyway, sorry for the spam, but since many of you know me personally I thought
> >I'd let you know what happened to me.  I should start getting back into the
> >swing of things in January.
> >--
> >Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
> >Want to help an ambitious games project?     Drop by
> >Or check out some trippy MindCandy at        
> >
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