Sounds good to me. BTW, I apologize if my original message was a bit

On another note, I noticed that there is a separate genre for
racing/driving. Shouldn't games in that category fall under either
Simulation or Sports? The racing/driving genre sticks out like a sore thumb
to me amongst the other genres listed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] King's Quest 1

Stuart Feldhamer wrote:
> Then again, if you want to invent new terminology, that's your business I
> suppose.

No, it isn't, which is why this entire discussion was initiated.  You (and
everyone else here) will be happy to know that I am "fixing" the system at
MobyGames (the first and hopefully only time in our 4-year history).

No, I definitely don't want to invent new terminology.  MobyGames would be a
sham if I did :-)
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