A few questions about InfoDOS...

- I'm assuming it was written from scratch. What did it have that DOS/ProDOS didn't? Smaller footprint, faster, no Apple royalties :)?
- How long did it take to write?
- Last, were you pretty much on your own writing it (here's a buncha requirements, get us something in X weeks) or more interactive?

The company I work for is big on processes (more than I'd prefer at times). You can't change a "3" to a "4" for a bug fix without notifying 10 people and spending an hour filling out forms. Sigh.

On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 01:54 AM, John Romero wrote:

	Ah, my fault.  I forgot some of my Apple ][ history.  I
had forgotten
how easy it for people to write their own OSes for the A2.
Did you do
anything different for the IIGS or was InfoDOS just targeted to the
II+/e/c Apples?  I never worked with the IIGS so I'm curious if much
game development was done for or on the IIGS itself.
I never did any //gs games...neither did many other people as the Apple
II had started to wane in 1986...

So, InfoDOS was really only for the II+/e/c series.

- John

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