On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 07:15  PM, John Romero wrote:
The ZCode stuff was external to the OS - I just did the OS part.
Ah, my fault. I forgot some of my Apple ][ history. I had forgotten how easy it for people to write their own OSes for the A2. Did you do anything different for the IIGS or was InfoDOS just targeted to the II+/e/c Apples? I never worked with the IIGS so I'm curious if much game development was done for or on the IIGS itself.

Wolf3D-wise, yes the copyright had lapsed on Castle Wolfenstein.  Muse
Software went out of business in 1985 so seven years later when we were
looking for the owner of the copyright it ended up that someone bought
their inventory and was selling that from their house, but didn't keep
up any of the copyrights so we just registered it and got it.
Thanks for the info. Given the current climate of hanging onto any and all intellectual property I just wondered if the CGW story was accurate.


Edward Franks

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