My $0.02... I can't help but noticed that a lot of the auctions I've won lately don't take PayPal. I use BidPay in those cases (whose fees are a little stiff at times but checks are for all intents and purposes like cash. BidPay gives me proof of payment sent so its worth the extra $1 to me). I've also noticed that the auctions that don't take PayPal I tend to win for less than I expected. PayPal's integration w/Ebay is pretty addictive, but my totally unscientific opinion is that that integration has a direct impact on who's willing to bid.

As for refusing payment to PayPal, that's probably not the fight you want to take, at least not head-on. In an instant they smash your credit rating, then you have to pay fees plus the amount in dispute to restore it. Businesses constantly check your history (but of course consumers rarely check a business's rating w/the BBB or similar so bashing a business has little effect). Talk about getting the shaft, I'm leaving my apartment (rent keeps going up for no particularly good reason). I have to notify them within 60 days of the lease termination or pay a full month's rent penalty (and of course that month is calculated at the ANNUAL INCREASE RATE that starts the next cycle, not the one you just left). Of course I didn't give 60 days notice (45 days). Despite my extending the lease 60 more days to move to a new place (giving them 90 days to find a new tenant), they're still sticking that to me for 1 month's rent as a penalty for not handing in the form on time. Of course there are reams of contract that I signed to live there that says I agree to pay. The fee is totally outrageous. It should be illegal. But failure to pay brings down a whole world of pain, plus I'll still have to pay the amount outstanding.

Refusing to pay is clearly not the move I plan to make (idiot me should have just submitted the form on time). Its just like missing one credit card payment and watching your interest rate go from 8.99% to %25 (no that didn't happen to me). Of course, they also ask nicely to "keep the apartment as clean as possible so they can show it to future tenants". Yeah, I'm all over that one. And tape up my late fee notice on the entrance door "just so I don't forget to pay it". With wallpaper glue. Parting note, as I log onto PayPal, I get more insta-spam from them, including this blurb:

PayPal works hard to protect you
When you send a money order, it's a lot like putting cash in an envelope - you may have no recourse if the payment is lost or stolen. That's why fraudulent sellers often prefer money orders. In contrast, PayPal provides protections like the Buyer Complaint Process and the Money Back Guarantee.

When you buy on eBay, why use a check or money order? Trust PayPal - the fast, easy, and secure way to pay on eBay.


On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 10:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 08/08/2003 9:14:52 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I hope this strategy doesn't backfire on me...

It's rough Stuart :( Bidpay is really good for ccard payments if buyer does not mind using them. I don't know what to do myself, the payment I got WAS a bank account transfer and it still didn't do me any good. But you are correct, much more difficult to reverse a bank transfer.


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